Politics - News Analysis

Stephanie Grisham Tries to Defend Trump’s Death Threat to ‘Mental’ Adam Schiff, ‘Trump’s a Counter-Puncher!’

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham sat for an extensive interview on Sunday, during which, she was pressed over a number of subjects involving Lev Parnas, Mike Pompeo, and President Donald Trump’s tweet about Adam Schiff.

Because the “Press Secretary” that we pay with taxpayer money doesn’t do press briefings…only interviews with Fox News.

Grisham spoke to Fox News’ Howard Kurtz, who started things off on Sunday’s edition of MediaBuzz by asking about Trump’s latest tweetstorm calling his impeachment a “hoax” and an act of “massive election interference.” Grisham replied by bashing Democrats for their “obsessive little dance” to impeach the president.

Kurtz then moved on to this horrible tweet:

“That sounds like a vague threat,” Kurtz said.

“I disagree,” Grisham replied. “People put meanings behind what he said. The president speaks in a very unique way, he’s a counter-puncher, he’s saying what it’s on his mind.”

“What does he mean Schiff hasn’t paid the price?” Kurtz followed up.

“I haven’t talked to him about it yet,” Grisham answered before insisting that Trump was saying Schiff’s “price” would be with the voters. She also said “quite frankly it seems like he’s having a little bit of a mental issue when you sit on the floor for hours and hours and hour. He’s obsessed with this president and trying to take him down.”

Kurtz noted that Schiff took Trump’s tweet as a threat on Meet The Press, which Grisham called “ridiculous” grandstanding on Schiff’s part.



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