Politics - News Analysis

Trump Was Walking With a Very Strange Gait Monday Night and People are Questioning His Health

Donald Trump attended the National Championship game in New Orleans on Monday night, where he was met with loud cheers (and some boos) which wasn’t surprising in a red-state.

However, eagle-eyed watchers noticed something else very odd about Trump.

At the beginning of the game, Trump and wife Melania walked out to the field for the national anthem, and Trump had a very strange gait. Watchers noticed that Trump seemed to swing his right leg around which is much different than his normal gait.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s gait has alarmed people.

Take a look at Trump walking a few days ago:

Back in November, Trump was seen wobbling as he presented the National Medal of Arts:

Now look at these videos where Trump doesn’t seem to be using his left arm:

Notice how Trump’s arm is just…laying limp? Trump usually is very animated with both hands.

This was from Trump’s surprise trip to Afghanistan over Thanksgiving. You normally wouldn’t notice this unless you specifically look for it:

A few seconds into the above video, you will see Trump clapping, but it appears he is using his right arm to clap his left hand. Watch closely.

So, what do you think is wrong with Trump?

Twitter quickly chimed in:


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