Politics - News Analysis

Conservative Commentator: Trump is the ‘One of the Fattest Presidents Ever’ and Not Fit for Office

Political commentator David Frum mocked Donald Trump’s appearance on Sunday.

“Donald Trump was one of the oldest presidents ever, one of the fattest presidents ever, the least physically capable president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in a wheelchair,” the staff writer for the Atlantic said on CNN. “He can’t pick up a ball, never mind throw it.”

Frum’s comments came during a panel discussion on how Trump, 73, and other politicians use social media and other digital channels to push false or misleading information.

“It has an effect on people’s affirmative ideas,” Frum said. “One of the things that Donald Trump tried to spin in 2016 was that Hillary Clinton was somehow physically incapable of managing the presidency. I mean, it’s audacious.”

Frum, who was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush, called Clinton “a very vigorous woman in good health.”

Frum said “it has an affect on people’s affirmative ideas” before bringing up the president’s health and his attacks on Hillary Clinton four years ago:

“One of the things Donald Trump tried to spread in 2016 was the idea that Hillary Clinton was somehow physically incapable of managing the presidency. I mean, it’s audacious. Donald Trump was the oldest president ever. One of the fattest presidents ever. The least physically capable president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. He can’t pick up a ball, never mind throw it. But he was able to put into the minds of tens of millions of people the idea that Hillary Clinton, who’s a very vigorous woman in good health, was somehow too sick to be president.”



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