Politics - News Analysis

Fox and Friends Working HARD for Trump: Say Democrats Are Agents Of Russia — Not Trump

You have got to be kidding me.

Need proof that Fox and Friends is every bit as controlled by Russian-Republican interests? (There is no longer any point in treating the two as distinct).

Fox News is continuing to provide enormous spin for President Donald Trump. Earlier this week they twisted the news that Trump was angry an intelligence official briefed Congress on Russia attacking the 2020 election to help get him re-elected, by claiming “Trump Upset Over Kremlin Trying to Re-Elect Him.”

That is not “spin,” that is an outright lie, which when done by media for a specific purpose is called “propaganda.” Trump is not the least bit upset about the Kremlin trying to elect him. He is upset that the DNI briefed the House intel committee, which does have Democrats, because he wants it hidden, and doesn’t trust Democrats to “hide it.”

On Friday a “Fox & Friends” contributor launched into an insane – and false – rant to attack reports about an intelligence official briefing Congress that Russia is attacking the 2020 election by calling the press “agents of Russia.”

Break me a fcking give.

Not reporting on the intelligence briefing would be acting as Russian agents, OR, Fox reporters are the ones “acting as agents of Russia.”

Steven Doocy – the man the blog knows as “The Dumbest Man on Television,” or DMOT, actually tried to give a highly redacted, but relatively accurate report on the New York Times story. But the DMOT didn’t get far, Pete Hegseth went nutzo:

“Alright let’s be clear about what this really all is. This is all an attempt to discredit President Trump. That’s it. Delegitimize him all the way. So that’s why he wins again.”

No, I do not follow the logic in that at all, and I suppose that is the point.

“Every single media member in that clip, every single Democrat that parrots what they’re saying, they’re working together, they are the agents of Russia.”

Says the man who is awaiting the rubles to be converted to dollars wired from VTB bank to Fox and Friends Credit Union.

This is what Russia wants! They want to sow discord and misinformation and delegitimize our republic, destabilize it because they’re not our friends and they know that when we’re strong they’re in a worse position – which they’ve done for years before President Trump. This is what they do. The Democrats, the media, fell for it.

But Pete is not falling for it!

He knows better than the intelligence agencies. He thinks the American people are better off not knowing that Russia is attempting to help Trump.

While it is awfully fun to mock them, and awfully important to be aware of what they’re saying on Fox, let’s not forget that the Trump dictatorship could not be possible, would not even have come about, without the State Propaganda TV provided by Fox News.

I will also say that – though I cannot prove it – it is my belief that when it all shakes out, when we learn the real truth about Trump and his connections to Russia (which we will as soon as someone else is in office), it is my belief that we will find that Russian money also went to Fox to help control content.  Putin is too smart to not buy a propaganda outlet to protect his pet president.

Anyway, here you go, my friends:


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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