Politics - News Analysis

GOP Ready to Punish: Susan Collins “Dead Woman Walking,” Romney “Disinvited”

Trump will render cold, hard, judgment and never stop.

Senator Susan Collins has been around long enough to know better than to just rely on McConnell and promises of support. She went against the machine, and no Republican survives such a naïve move in the despotic Trump regime.

Mitch McConnell gave Susan Collins permission to vote for witnesses during the Trump impeachment trial because she is up for reelection and vulnerable to Democratic attack for being such “concern” hack. And yet, by voting to include witnesses, she only ensured that everyone, on both sides, had equal disdain for her. Impossibly, it looks like the most dripping hatred comes from the right.

Ed Rollins, one of Trump’s most reliable hatchet men, went on one of Trump’s most reliable fluff shows, Lou Dobbs, and declared Collins to be a “Dead Woman Walking” for her vote: Transcript form Newsweek:

With the exception of Romney and Collins, who probably signed her death warrant today,” Rollins said, “this party is united behind this president and basically backed him 100 percent in the house, 99 percent in the Senate.”

Well, not to get technical, but that would be more like 96% using human math. But we are dealing with a party that includes some members that recently came out against colleges, so we’ll give them a break.

But do note the violent imagery. Just like Trump referring to an “impeachment war” last night in all-caps, we have someone’s “death warrant” signed. It is ugly.

Because of her vote Rollins said, “Collins is a dead woman walking. She’s not going to get any Democrats to vote for her because she’s a Republican. They’re not going to vote for her.”

There is some deep insight.

It is the reality we’re dealing with in such a polarized country, it is why Lamar Alexander and Marco Rubio can be so painfully obvious in their excuses, and just as obvious in the ultimate vote. There is no other direction to go.

Unless a Republican wants to become a Democrat, one best get in line behind Trump, or you will be “punished.”

With respect to punishment, Collins did not avoid any by voting for witnesses. Her state’s most famous citizen, Stephen King, is calling out Collins and her transparent move:


The famous horror author nailed the Republican strategy to the wall:

Senator Collins will now do all she can to Trumpet her Trumpyness in voting to acquit him. But there can be no half-support for Trump, he demands total loyalty above all else. Ask Jim Comey.

Speaking of total loyalty, and punishment.

CPAC, the execrable organization that gathers in DC once a year to celebrate itself and demand subservient speeches from pet politicians, has already told Sen. Mitt Romney to just skip it next year.

Sen. Mitt Romney will not be invited to this year’s CPAC, the conservative conference’s host chair announced Friday in the aftermath of senators voting not to hear additional witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

“BREAKING: The “extreme conservative” and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020,” tweeted Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which hosts the conference.

Romney is not up for election again until 2004, is incredibly wealthy, and from a state that actually doesn’t like Donald Trump near as much as Mississippi, He has no problem telling CPAC to get bent.

But Donald Trump’s own vengeance is coming, and it will be both ruthless and petty. It is very “cool” among the Democratic and progressive crowd to eschew any notion of “honor” among someone with an “R” next to their name. Collins’ vote had no honor in that it was a calculated political move, nothing more. Yet Romney did show some resolve and dignity in his vote. He will not suffer the fate that some might have, but he will be punished, don’t doubt it.

That is reality in conservative politics right now. A group of senators representing 40% of Americans went against the wishes of 75% of the population in a vote that some have called “Democracy’s worst day since 1861.” Sadly, it may be true. In 1861, an earlier version of conservative white men fought against more liberal forces sweeping across the nation.

Just like then, these powerfully rich, conservative and deeply cynical men will fight to the end against powerful forces demanding pluralism and more democracy. That fight will be led by a man with more power and hatred than any president in history. He will punish as harshly as he needs and desires, in order to make an example of these two.

We are just beginning. It is not even Monday, Trump is not even fully acquitted, and yet the punishment has already started. The punitive response from the Trumpists will be regular, comprehensive, and will not end until Trump truly feels he has achieved “victory” over his “enemies.”

Democrats will only get it much, much worse.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom




meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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