
Specialist’s Evaluation: Trump’s Intermittent Eye Dilation Is ‘Highly Likely’ Due to Scary Drug Use


We hear a lot of guessing as to why all the sniffling, the slurred words, the trips to the medical center. Those guesses are worrisome, but some of it is surely overdone. It is entirely different when a specialist in body language and appearance comments upon noticeable and documented pictures.

Several people have noticed Trump’s often dilated eyes. The fact that this symptom is “intermittent” almost rules out many medical conditions that can cause such dilation, according to Dr. Jack Brown, a specialist unconcerned with political ideology, having done similar evaluations of Nancy Pelosi and other prominent figures. He writes in Medium.com, a respected site.

Dr. Brown rules out many common and rather benign causes: possible side effects of cataract surgery and similar medical conditions. He arrives at the “highly likely” conclusion that Trump is medicated or personally using potentially scary drugs.

Are Trump’s large pupils caused by Systemic Drugs? (medications not used in eye drops [as mentioned above], but taken by mouth or by other means) — From a medical standpoint, this is highly probable. Here’s a of list of the possibilities (of course, anesthesia and those labeled with “poisoning” and “overdose” don’t apply):

The list of medications (or chemicals) also comports with other unusual movements and tics we see in video that are not associated with pupils.




Anesthesia (deep general anesthesia or near-total spinal anesthesia)

Antidepressants such as (such as TCAs [overdosage], SSRIs, SNRIs, and MAOIs)

Antihistamine overdose


Bretylium intoxication



Cyanide poisoning


Of course we can rule out cyanide and a few others further down the list (the entire list is at the link, but many unlikely candidate. That leaves the amphetamines (strong variation is the active ingredient in Adderall, and cocaine as strong possibilities.

Without comment, we can also note the number of times he tweets late at night, and very early in the morning.

Yesterday on this site, I wrote that Trump “looked” and sounded sedated, something perhaps done to calm the other stuff. Perhaps.

In his official speech later in the day, he was animated and hyper, a different man than just 3-4 hours before. These are my observations as a regular person without any education in this area. I just throw it out there as observation.

Dr. Brown summarizes: (His highlights, not mine).

President Donald Trump’s pupils are intermittently and significantly dilated — from a medical standpoint, this is NOT normal. The ambient light conditions cannot account for such changes. At other times they are within normal limits. This intermittent pattern is NOT due to trauma, complications from surgery, or disease. I have not examined Donald Trump and I have no firsthand knowledge of him — however, the myriad of photographic evidence available online seems to point strongly to the remaining possible etiology — Donald Trump’s Intermittently Dilated Pupils are due to the side effects of drugs/medications.

We have read reports from people associated with “The Apprentice” that Trump would snort Adderall. It would be wrong to read those statements as definitive, but they were made.

We can’t “know” the real cause. But when so many things come together, first hand statements from people in proximity, slurred words, body language, dramatic changes in energy level, and then the eye analysis that is often used by police, when done by a specialist?

It is not something to be ignored, either.

My god, this man.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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