Politics - News Analysis

Trump Whines That He Doesn’t Want to Be Impeached Forever, Calls for ‘Expungement’ of Impeachment Articles

Donald Trump said Congress should expunge his impeachment from the record following his acquittal on Wednesday.

In front of the White House on Friday, Trump was asked by a reporter whether he believed his impeachment should be expunged from the congressional record.

“They should, because it was a hoax,” he said.

“That’s a very good question,” he continued. “Should they expunge the impeachment in the House? They should because it was a hoax. It was a total political hoax.”

Earlier this week, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he would try to expunge Trump’s impeachment from the House record if Republicans won back the majority and he became speaker.

“This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in history. I don’t think it should stay on the books,” the California Republican said.

Trump also told reporters on Friday that his administration is reunifying the country following a divisive impeachment fight, which ended in acquittal this week in the Senate.

“All you have to do is look at our crowds and our support. What unifies it is the great success. Our country today is more successful than it has ever been. And that’s unifying the country,” he said.

Mind you he’s talking about his insane MAGA rallies…that isn’t unification.

Trump also made the crazy claim that Nancy Pelosi broke the law and suggested she should be arrested.

Trump said: “It is an official document, it’s illegal what she did. She broke the law. I thought it was disrespectful to the chamber, to the country, and look, I got very high marks on the speech and I didn’t know she did it until I was walking out and some of the congressmen and women were saying can you believe she did it—but I didn’t know she did it.”

Now let’s be clear. There is no expungement of impeachment articles. That mofo is impeached for life.

Twitter had a field day:



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