Politics - News Analysis

Trump Just Insanely Called for the Impeachment of President Obama for ‘Lying About Obamacare’

Supporters at Donald Trump’s rally in New Hampshire on Monday chanted “lock her up” about Speaker Nancy Pelosi…and then Trump called for the impeachment of former President Barack Obama.

The chant broke out as Trump complained about Pelosi’s conduct during his State of the Union address last week.

“I had somebody behind me who was mumbling terribly. Mumbling,” Trump said, mocking Pelosi. “Very distracting.”

The crowd of thousands in Manchester coalesced into chants of “lock her up.” Trump stood at the podium nodding his head and mouthed the words “that’s true.”

“No, it was very distracting,” he added. “I’m speaking, and a woman is mumbling terribly behind me, angry.”

Trump’s crowds began chanting “lock her up” about 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and often use the refrain when the president mentions her at his rallies. But Monday marked one of the first times it was directed at Pelosi.

Trump then recited the poem “The Snake” to warn his MAGAt’s about immigrants. The poem is far more applicable to Trump himself.

Trump then made the crazy lie that all undocumented immigrants are homeless, with no permanent addresses:

I could go on and on, but I will leave with you this.

Trump suggested Obama should be impeached for lying about Obamacare.

Truly, the man is insane.



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