Politics - News Analysis

Chrissy Teigen Slams ‘Wifebot’ Melania Trump for Completely Letting the Country Down as First Lady

Actress, model, and all-around perfect human Chrissy Teigen unleashed on Melania Trump over what she said has been her lack of response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“Has melania even thought about doing something with her be best shit during these times?” Teigen began a profanity-laced Twitter thread on Tuesday. “I see regular ass awesome people on my timeline all day doing all they can to make people happy and this wifebot is working on whatever the fuck a tennis gazebo is.”

The first lady, who launched her “Be Best” initiative to combat cyberbullying when Donald Trump took office, tweeted earlier this month about the Tennis Pavillion that was being constructed on the White House grounds. She encouraged her critics to “take time and contribute something good & productive in their own communities.”

Teigen, a frequent critic of the president on social media, went after him and while repeatedly hammering the first lady’s “Be Best” campaign.

“I expect Donald to be a do nothing fucking loser wimp but she could maybe possibly try to uhhh BE BETTER possibly the best be the best the best be best,” Teigen said.

She continued, “ALL I have seen this bot do is gently touch Christmas ornaments in a cape and stare in a cape and pat statues in a different cape and then change her cape into a rude ass jacket. Fuck you.”

And Teigen is 100% correct. Melania has done NOTHING. She has sent a few tweets, and that’s it. She has disappeared and is probably quarantined in some mansion somewhere in Maryland with her parents and children.

Melania did send a tweet on Wednesday, which was a link for parents to teach their kids at home. Big whoop.


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