Politics - News Analysis

CPAC Mocked Coronavirus But Now One Attendee Has Tested Positive

It was only matter of time, now.

It is striking how many people are testing positive in divergent parts of the country, and yet how so many still can’t get tested – more on that in a minute. Regardless, below is Mick Mulvaney, and he will explain to you that Coronavirus is just a big hoax that is meant to bring down the president, certainly nothing with which you need to worry. Worry more about the markets because they need to …

Perhaps that is why Mulvaney left as chief of staff this week? Couldn’t stand seeing his videos coming back, making him look terrible? I mean, what could possibly top the “Get over it!” video in the last impeachment … except maybe a video that might be used as one of the highlights of the next impeachment?

Bear with me.

Actually, with respect to CPAC, it gets even worse, or better … no, it gets worse. Matt Schlapp from CPAC has already acknowledged that he “interacted” with the man who has tested positive – they know his identity – and of course that would be the same “Matt Schlapp” who is the head of CPAC and – you guessed it, shook both Mike Pence, and … Donald Trump’s hand last weekend.

So now we need to ask; How “hoaxy” does all this feel now? We are at a point where the virus has spread out so far that there is no possible way that Trump hasn’t been exposed.

I suspect we’re also far enough down the road that when the whistleblower complaints come out – and they ARE coming, because when this washes over the country and it is a total shitshow, it will be everyone diving for the doors – and we find out exactly why tests are being withheld (they are), there will not “just” be a congressional investigations into incompetence, no … first read this:


So at a point in time when the South Koreans have “Drive Thru” test kits to pick-up, (yes, they do), a very sick American in a hospital just miles from the United States Capital and White House cannot be tested, because:

“The Department of Health is refusing to run the test because [he/she] was not in South Korea long enough …”

One can be in Seoul for 30 minutes on a stopover from Hong Kong and use the restroom, grab a Coke, and have plenty of exposure to get the disease. The “Health Department” is using an excuse to not test her, for what reason, we don’t know – yet.

This comes, of course, despite Trump saying “everyone who needs a test, gets a test.” There are enough lies out there now that there must be a criminal investigation. Somehow, someone who attended CPAC and was high enough to interact with Schlapp, HE got a test. But this woman, did not. Of course, we all remember that both CPAC and the woman mentioned above are both in Washington DC.

If there is evidence (remember those whistleblower cases) that some people got “tests” that weren’t counted, and/or evidence that someone in the administration ordered “health departments” to not give the tests, and it’s linked to being afraid that the numbers will go up, there will be criminal investigations into the White House, and another impeachment proceeding, book it.

If it is just outright incompetence and refusal to do what the experts said, it might just be criminal negligence, but it could be worse. Imagine the fate of a nursing home director who wouldn’t test patients for a disease because it would make the nursing home look bad. How do you think that person would fare when someone died?

How is the president going to fare when he has deaths on his hands?

Trump cannot lie himself out of this one, and the people at CPAC won’t be quite so quick to bail his fat ass out with a Mitch McConnell non-evidentiary impeachment again. Americans are dying, right now, even conservatives.



Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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