Politics - News Analysis

Internet Lit: Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro Appeared Drunk on Last Night’s Show

Maybe working from home isn’t such a good idea for some, who perhaps forgot what day it might be and had a few [dozen] to many. The internet is lit this morning about “Judge” Jeanine Pirro, who certainly appeared drunk during her show last night. Fair enough, I know that if I had to watch her show, I could only do so tanked with about nine Bud-Lights in me.

For whatever reason, Fox delayed the show for 15 minutes due to “technical difficulties,” which is an odd phrase for what might have happened. We will allow that technical difficulties might arise when having to broadcast from someone’s home for many reasons, but one of which might be that the crew had to bang on her door and wake her in a haze.

Once on-air, she appeared disheveled, and it sort of devolved from there. We join the broadcast live, where the not so sober “Judge” got off to a rough start, as reported in the transcript by those great folks at Rawstory

“Just the other … day the president talked, or was hoping, about the possibility of reopening everything on Easter Sunday, uh, in a way where we could kind of come out of this quarantine, as loose as it may be, that we’re involved in.”

It isn’t like Pirro doesn’t open her show with crazy stuff all the time. It’s just that the crazy stuff is usually clipped along perfectly, and perfectly written to accentuate the craziness. That doesn’t appear to be perfectly crazy or perfectly written, just perfectly sloshed.

Umm, the internet noticed, and you can “judge” Jeanine for yourself:

That hair is not the usual coifed to perfection that we’re used to, OTOH she doesn’t have the Fox stylists to pamper her up. But there is no explaining the delivery other than …

Hammered is a little different than “loose.”

SNL does a great job brutalizing the show, and they will have far more material to work with from here on out.

Maybe they knew already. People talk.

I admit I hadn’t even thought of that. A well-heeled *ahem* “older” woman (I know she’s not old, just the type), could easily have had a three or four Xanax earlier and then a glass of wine, who knows? Judge Jeanine might not even know.

And rehab only works if someone wants to go:

I would put it more like “she needs serious help” rather than me wanting her to get it. She would bury about 100 Democrats, ruin their lives, if she could just get the chance. We don’t wish real harm on anyone on this site, but she might’ve brought that on herself and it would only be professional death.

They will say she was speaking in tongues rather than just tripping over it because it wouldn’t work like normal.

One might question whether she was confused as to the day of the week. I have had to ask my daughter several times this week, though my excuse is that I work every single day (by choice) and my job doesn’t change from day to day, only the programing I watch to bring it to you. If I had a job that required me to broadcast from my home, I might be more aware, at least so I could pick up the boxes of wine littering the floor and hide pill bottle where it belongs – deep in her purse.

Well, we don’t wish people harm, but this woman would do anything to harm a Democrat’s career, and so if her self-indulgent behavior leads to her termination, cosi ‘e la vita.

Peace, y'all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom



meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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