Politics - News Analysis

Jared Kushner Eviscerated for His “Management” of the Coronavirus Emergency


Just check out the title alone: Infighting, Missteps, and a Son-in-Law Hungry for Action: Inside the Trump Administration’s Troubled Coronavirus Response

The WaPo goes long on Jared and his unique ability to insert himself as “relevant” in areas in which he has no expertise or even so much as a passing interest.

President Trump’s son in law and senior advisor who has zero expertise in infectious diseases and little experience in marshalling the full resources of the beaucracy behind a cause saw the administration floundering and inserted himself at the helm, believing he could break the logjam.

Very seldom is it ever good to read a paragraph about oneself and hear that you partook in “inserting oneself.” Yet Jared did, indeed, insert himself, upon deciding that the fate of the nation rode in his hands.

Oh, but it got worse:

Kushner rushed to help write Trump’s widely panned Oval Office address to the nation. His supermodel sister-in-law’s father, Kurt Kloss, an emergency room doctor, crowdsourced suggestions from his Facebook network to pass along to Kushner. And Kushner pressed tech executives to help build a testing website and retail executives to help create mobile testing sites — but the projects were only half-baked when Trump revealed them Friday in the White House Rose Garden.

I still cannot believe that the little smarmy weasel thought he’d get the inside scoop from his bro’s father in law “Who’s a doctor, man. He’ll know!” My dad is a doctor – been one for 40 some years, and not a bad one, either. He’d laugh in my face if I went to him for help in organizing a national response to a crisis. He would also probably call my boss and tell her that I am in over my head – not news to her.

Kushner is an embarrassment:

In a bid to produce swift action, Kushner helped orchestrate a Rose Garden event Friday that he hoped would rally Wall Street at the close of a brutal week of trading, but the administration’s marquee announcements were not fully formed. The news conference had the intended immediate effect, fueling a rise in the stock markets before they closed at 4 p.m. But things unraveled from there once it became clear the picture of progress that Trump presented to the public was, at best, considerably inflated.

No shit?

Considerably inflated? Who would ever have thought that the administration would present something to the American public that wasn’t well-thought-out, tested, planned …

The article goes on to state that just about every part of the speech – a speech that Kushner helped to write – was overstated, or unprepared in the first place. For example, all those CEOs? The ones from CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens? No one knew the basic details, such as when the tests would be delivered or how they would be distributed.

The description of the Oval Office is one for all time. Try to imagine walking into your local large hospital and imagining the administrator’s office operating this way, and then realize we’re talking about the Oval Office at the White House:

“People just show up in the Oval and spout off ideas,” said a former senior administration official briefed on the coronavirus discussions. “He’ll either shoot down ideas or embrace ideas quickly. It’s an ad hoc free-for-all with different advisers just spitballing.”

Hearing that, maybe putting Jared in charge isn’t that bad an idea after all.


We are all going to pay for this, government by amateurs, amateurs who eschewed experts as “elites” and “deep staters,” the type of people that know government and how to get government done. Who knew those people were so valuable?

We did. And now we’re all going to pay. Jared Kushner is in charge.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom




meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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