Politics - News Analysis

McConnell Begging GOP-Appointed Judges to Retire Now Because He Fears Trump Will Lose in 2020

Just when you thought Mitch McConnell couldn’t get any worse, he does just that.

Mitch has one purpose in his life, and nothing will prevent him from packing the federal courts with as many Republicans as possible. From The New York Times:

Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, who has used his position as majority leader to build a judicial confirmation juggernaut for President Trump over the past three years, has been personally reaching out to judges to sound them out on their plans and assure them that they would have a worthy successor if they gave up their seats soon, according to multiple people with knowledge of his actions…One of his Republican colleagues said others had also initiated outreach in an effort to heighten awareness among judges nominated by Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush that making the change now would be advantageous.

McConnell already made it perfectly clear that if there’s a Supreme Court opening during this election year, he’ll fill it. Because Trump is a Republican of course…back when it was Obama, McConnell wouldn’t give Merrick Garland a second look.

Now, McConnell telling older Republicans to respectably bow out so that younger Republicans can replace them. During the presidencies of Reagan and the senior Bush, judges were conservative, yes. But still relatively decent people. But that has changed. McConnell has picked some of the worst judges possible, some that were even not recommended by that National bar Association.

But McConnell doesn’t care. He just wants those crazy conservatives on the court, no matter what:

“Senator McConnell knows he can’t achieve any of his extreme goals legislatively, so he continues to attempt to pull America to the far right by packing the courts,” Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, said in a statement. He predicted that his counterpart’s emphasis on the courts “will significantly hurt Republican senators in November.”

“If Mitch McConnell is having direct conversations to pressure sitting federal judges to basically retire so Trump can name more picks, it is court-packing in a different form,” said Brian Fallon, the executive director of the progressive judicial group Demand Justice. “It raises the question of what, if anything, McConnell is offering them to take senior status earlier than planned. This type of hand-in-glove coordination shows how utterly politicized the judicial branch is.”

It’s truly amazing just how evil McConnell is, and how relentless he’s been. Because Democratic voters have been completely oblivious to the importance of the federal courts in casting their ballots, the Republicans had a clear field of which they could take advantage, and McConnell has done it so thoroughly that he will be an important figure in American politics for decades after he’s dead.



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