Politics - News Analysis

Trump Goes Idiot Again: Today Says ‘Virus Snuck-Up on Us,’ But Yesterday Said ‘Knew It Was a Pandemic All Along’

Yesterday, out of absolutely nowhere, we got an introduction to the earnest and serious Trump, the guy who’s “large and in charge,” he knew that this thing was a pandemic all along, he foresaw all the danger, he even acted so courageously in shutting down direct flights from China to the U.S. early. He wanted everyone to know that not only did he have this entire thing figured out, and a great plan, he always knew what was happening, and how to handle it.

Today, we have a different president, one who was on the run from some difficult questions, and thus the answers were a bit “hedged,” as one way of putting it – directly the opposite of yesterday’s might be another.

“I call it the unseen the unseen enemy, there’s a thousand different terms for it, but it snuck up on us,and it’s in 128 countries, I think it’s in something like that, very close to that. think of that. So it spreads violently it’s a very contagious, very, very contagious virus for America to be on a wartime footing, in terms of fighting this virus.”

Alright, Biff, let’s talk.

The actual “enemy” is indeed “unseen,” but we had and have fantastic radar that could pinpoint this enemy’s bases early on. Had we done it that way, we could have tracked this “unseen” enemy. Of course, as we all know, you decided to not use radar, you turned it off – in effect.

It is a violent threat. I will not mock that. I think that was said well and reiterates the seriousness. What could be more violent than something that invades your very person and kills from within? That was well done.

Back to idiocy, “very very contagious disease for America to be on a wartime footing …” Being on a wartime footing is contagious? Hmmm, that’s actually pretty insightful. When one country goes on a wartime footing, it indeed tends to put other nations on a wartime footing. But I think we know what he meant.

Some of these statements have bordered on responsible, and you know what? We are on a wartime footing, and though I disdain the man with every fiber of my being, I do believe some unity is called for. So I will say that much of that statement was – though a grammatical trainwreck – well done, and appropriately said.

But it is also because I love my country that I will not let myself or my readers forget that this enemy was not in any way “invisible” to us as a national threat. As an individual threat? Yes, it is largely invisible. But there was a way to protect this nation with far more aggressive action in using the “radar” that spots the enemy’s movements, to isolate it – create a siege, if we’re going to use “wartime footing” language, and wait it out.

But a siege only works if you have the enemy spotted and surrounded. To spot this enemy, we needed tests. So far, we have yet to hear a sufficient justification for the lack of testing, and we’re not letting that go. I am sorry when in war, the stakes are very high. Many an admiral has faced court-martial for boneheaded decisions during war. You – as president – should be held to an even higher standard.

You blew it.

Yesterday you had the right tone, at least – today you’re back to blowing it.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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