GOP Hypocrisy

Trump Says Warren Failed Because She’s Untalented, Unlikable, And Very Mean…Unlike Him

The absolute meanest person to serve as president in our lifetime is here now, telling us that the American people don’t want anyone mean as president, they want people like him. He is not mean.

Of course, Trump made the statement talking about the woman who spent thousands of hours touring the United States, standing in selfie lines for 100,000 selfies, making pinky promises with every little girl at every rally; “What do girls do? Run for president!” He said it about a woman whose primary political mission remains helping low and middle income Americans, help us have some sort of rights going up against the big banks, help keep our homes fighting a bankruptcy against medical collection agencies, help us. A woman as smart as any man to hold any office, wanted to help.

Donald Trump just said that Elizabeth Warren had “no talent,” and she was “mean,” and the American people don’t want a “mean” president, they want someone like him.

I am not sure he could have said anything meaner about Elizabeth Warren.

Never mind that Trump got where he sits today precisely because he remains mean enough to do whatever needs to be done to advance himself. Set that aside for a second. Let us just look at the fact that he picked out Elizabeth Warren, to say she is “mean.” The woman. The woman who stood up for women, and others, is “mean.”

I am so fcking sick of this.

I am not a woman, but I am the dad of a proto-woman, and I don’t want her to ever have to be nicer or cuter than anyone in order to advance in whatever she chooses to do. Elizabeth Warren is one of the most sensitive, most wholesome …, she is the “nicest” and “best,” any superlative one wants to use, she is all of it, and all of it got put to use to help people, including little girls.

She has persisted.

And for all that work, for all those selfies and pinky-promises, she also stood up for herself and argued hard for what she believed in, she debated like a presidential candidate, pushing, pushing, and for it all, for all that goodness? SHE gets called “mean.”

I am not sure Bernie Sanders has ever smiled or told a joke in his life (doesn’t seem like it), Bernie is a good guy whose heart is in the right place, not my guy, but he’s fine. Bernie doesn’t get called “mean.” That is for the woman, that’s for Elizabeth Warren, one of the best to ever grace the presidential process.

That it comes from a snake like Trump only makes it symbolically perfect. Yes, society has come far enough that Elizabeth Warren was a force of nature that had to be taken seriously, and yet that glass ceiling remains firmly in place.

Hillary wasn’t “likeable.”

Elizabeth was “mean.”

And we remain well and truly fcked until we get to a place where our society values 51% of the population enough to stop this last fraction of overpowered men, clinging to the last vestiges of patriarchal society.

“Mean.” Pfft.

Thank god it’s not going to stop Elizabeth. She will persist.

That is what leaders do, persist when everyone is tired or down, leaders set an example that makes us get up. So we get up, go, and then we get up, go again, and get up one more time. We persist until it changes. I will follow, and I know a little girl in our house who will follow, too.

Thanks, Liz.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @Miciakzoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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