Politics - News Analysis

Trump Demands Everyone Be Tested Before they See Him — But Has No Problem Opening Country Without Full Testing

Our germaphobe president, who can’t tell the difference between germs and viruses (and given his experiences, you would think that he had intimate familiarity with the subject), is requiring that everyone have a virus test before seeing him. This would be very important to a person who refuses to wear a mask, as you know.


He has been asked about testing the entire nation and has said that he doesn’t think it’s needed because at that point, we’re talking about you, not him. Just like mail-in voting, the world is different when it comes down to what’s best for Donald Trump versus what he thinks you deserve.

This won’t surprise anyone, given that it’s been known for years that this man has no capacity for empathy at all. He can see a man fall at his “club” at Mar-a-Lago and worry about the blood staining the marble more than the man who had fallen on the floor. He “doesn’t like blood,” and he “doesn’t like changing diapers,” as if there’s a person on earth who “enjoys” helping with either task.

But, fear not my loyal readers. Trump is not going to “re-open the economy on May 1st.” For one, he doesn’t have that power. Even if governors would follow his orders and “re-open” the economy. An order is not going to get people out the door and going to restaurants and baseball games.  Nope. Not unless everyone in the U.S. has been tested and every positive test is somehow quarantined immediately, it’s not going to happen.

Additionally, Trump knows that opening everything back up in May will do nothing but start the virus right back-up with hotspots all over. He knows that.

The talk about “May 1st” serves a purpose, though. Around September and October, when all this seems like an overreaction because everyone did the right thing (Dr. Fauci said doing it right will look like an overreaction), but the economy is still terrible, Trump can point to the fact that “I wanted to open the economy on May 1st, but the deep state people kept me from doing it, they kept telling me all this terrible stuff will happen and …”

That is his plan.

Remember, Trump is a moron, but he’s a survivor. He survives by thinking only of himself. He will require everyone coming near him to be tested, but not care if you ever get a test. He will talk about May 1st, knowing that it’s not going to happen, but thinking about a plan down the road – to set-up a new bad guy who will get the blame, that old “deep state.”

Always about him, the man whose vanity prevents him from wearing a mask, is always covering his real motives.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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