Politics - News Analysis

Watch Trump Speak More Kindly About Dictator Kim Jong Un than He Ever Did About John McCain

Trump had been having a particular press conference already, with questions about his immigration policy – which simply cannot be squared with his pronouncements about how we’re set to re-open the government, and saying we need to protect jobs – as well as questions about testing, whether the fall wave will be even worse than the current wave, and whether he can justify having some states opening-up while the state sitting alongside is still trying to protect itself.

Dr. Birx gave a completely incoherent answer (with Trump alongside) about how a Fall wave might not be worse, and she emphasized that there will be “warning signs” that will guide whether to shut down the economy again, totally ignoring that there were warning signs this time … it is quite obvious that people are highly skeptical about whether now is the correct time to suddenly say “it’s gone, enough anyway, come out …” and thus won’t make plans until sufficient testing exists to get a clear picture.

Trump kept tripping up on the immigration answer, it didn’t once make any sense.

Trump took a question about the CDC Director stating that Trump’s support for protestors isn’t helping, at which point Trump flat lied and said that he had seen protesters who were only social distancing, which is maybe the most absurd thing I have heard in quite some time.

The president was asked what good it does to open up the economy if no one wants to participate, and all Trump can say is that we must start, and saying that people are “very good at this now,” and “at some point they must go back” and then Trump put the onus on the governors again! Saying that if the governors stop things they’re in a position to, right after Trump supported protesters, saying things must get going.

A reporter forced Dr. Birx into a corner by asking her how opening hair salons, nail salons, and tattoo parlors could possibly be justified, and Dr. Birx said she didn’t know “how” it would happen, but she’s not going to “pre-judge.” She then said “Phase I” includes social distancing – but it also includes testing for healthcare workers, which still hasn’t been implemented.

Finally Trump was absolutely cornered on the total number of tests, that we are not even at 4 million tests – even though we’d been promised more than 20 million – and all Trump can continue to say is that we’ve tested more than every country in the world put together, the MOST whopping lie he has ever told in a press conference. The governor of Maryland just brought in one-eighth of the total number of tests when a flight dropped 500,000 tests over the weekend.

I might add that it seems like we have been “stuck” on four million for a week, minimum, and that was before we counted the 500,000 Maryland – and only Maryland – got from South Korea. Thus the U.S. has little to no production of tests right now, a situation that seems MUST be forced upon us, it simply makes no sense for it to be any other way.

Trump was also asked about Kim Jong Un repeatedly, and it is shocking to watch how kind he is and how nicely he speaks of the dictator, who is reportedly gravely ill.

What must Otto Warmbier’s parents think when they watch this:

Twitter was sickened:




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meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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