Politics - News Analysis

WH Puts Out Ridiculous Statement After Trump Retweets ‘#FireFauci,’ ‘Democrats Ignored Coronavirus!’

Just, wow.

How stupid do they think we are? Wait, don’t answer that because this doesn’t involve us at all. “We” are that group of about 52% of Americans that has not supported Trump for a single day of his candidacy or administration. Some of us (most) had him figured out 20 years ago.

Similarly, “this” doesn’t involve that 40-44% of the nation that will follow and love Trump even if he strips at the White House podium to prove his “genes” are perfect.

I guess “this” involves that 5-10% of our population, in about 8-10 states, that will determine the fate of the union as a democracy. It is ridiculous that it comes down to those folks, alone, but it just does.

“This” is what I’m talking about:

Yes, that actually happened.

So, now the media is being “ridiculous” as it quotes Trump’s actual statements. A re-tweet IS an endorsement of the tweet, and the re-tweet said “Fire Fauci.” So according to the White House, it is “ridiculous” to report (chatter) upon statements Trump makes. It is not the media’s fault that Trump chooses to communicate every passing thought to the entire world on Twitter – that’s on him.

What the White House continually tries to do is “re-do” reality when “reality” goes awry. The reality is that Trump endorsed a statement saying Fauci should be fired. The reality is that Trump retweeted the statement because Fauci had told some truths that differed from the “reality” that the Trump administration tries to create.

The cultists, that 40%, cannot deal with one scintilla of criticism of Trump. None. That is what makes them a cult. So the cult hears something they determine to be a criticism of Trump’s slow response (reality) and want the man gone, and to hell with Dr. Fauci’s 45 years of experience and work to help this nation.

When the Trump administration knows it’s caught in a bind with that 5-10% of the country that will determine their fate, they simply try to re-do the reality right in front of people’s faces and dump on the media. They truly are incapable of any analysis or plan that goes any deeper.

That is one bad sign. Almost as bad a sign as naming Jared AND Ivanka on the “re-opening America” plan that will – we all know – go horribly awry, three days before the plan is formed.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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