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Trump: ‘Chokeholds Sound So Innocent, So Perfect’ — But Agrees the Practice Should Stop

President Donald Trump continually uses bizarre words and phrases whenever he talks and that was on full display during a Friday interview with Fox News when he said the concept of police using chokeholds sounds “so perfect and so innocent” but noted the practice should stop.

I’m not sure why anyone would think chokeholds are “perfect” and “innocent” when police are usually doing this to restrain people who often aren’t struggling and are also quite often Black. Remember this is how [1] Eric Garner died when he was forcibly restrained by New York City Police officer Daniel Pantaleo. The officer was subsequently fired but not indicted.

But Trump is not known for his sensitivity [2] towards Black people, but during the interview (a snippet of which we’ve included below), he seemed a little more thoughtful than usual, suggesting that police using chokeholds should become a thing of the past, Business Insider [3] reports.

“Now if it’s two-on-one that’s a little bit of a different story … With that being said, it would be I think a very good thing that generally speaking it should be ended.”

Trump added that he doesn’t like chokeholds, but then seemed to indicate he thinks the procedure is okay in some instances.

“Sometimes if you’re alone and you’re fighting somebody, it’s tough … we have some real bad people,” he said.

Congressional Democrats have recently introduced [4] a police reform bill that bans chokeholds and the senate GOP is developing [5] one of its own, but it’s not as far-reaching. (Well, of course not, it’s the GOP, after all.)

The death of George Floyd while in police custody has spurred the national conversation on this once again. He died as a Minneapolis police officer used a carotid chokehold. Like Eric Garner before him, he told officers “I can’t breathe” and while police ignored this for nearly nine minutes, people all across the country heard it and it’s become a rallying cry. Let’s hope law enforcement starts listening.

They’ve been pretty deaf so far.