Politics - News Analysis

Trump Wobbles and Has Difficult Standing Still at Event and EVERYONE is Noticing

The subject shouldn’t be broached lightly and always with a skeptical eye because it is too easy to make minor things appear to be significant issues. A president’s health, indeed anyone’s health, must be reported carefully. But the pressure put upon anyone in the White House for the last week would wear down the healthiest younger man to the bone. With Trump, there is even more pressure because there are people – even on the Right – that believe he has exacerbated problems throughout his presidency. That pressure places even greater strain on an elderly man who seems to almost take pride in his unhealthy lifestyle and his idiosyncrasies. He also demonstrates all too many signs of being a narcissist. A narcissist can’t deal with criticism.

His health should be analyzed because Trump is talking about releasing the military, the real military, to squash protests with a heavy hand, “domination.” It is terrifying. It’s martial law. That is sick.

There is also a ton of evidence.

The Last Week

First: The unbelievable incident retweeting the cowboy: “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat. Scaring people everywhere: Much more below.

We move to Trump’s press conference last week. Trump read from a speech clearly written for him while shifting his weight from side to side, obviously leaning on the podium. He didn’t take questions at a critical point in time. Any other president would take questions, needing to lead. Perhaps the people around him knew he was in no shape to engage others. (More symptoms through weekend below)

Saturday, one of his worst days as president. Trump made outrageous statements and tweets in the morning. As he went to the helicopter, he engaged in “chopper talk” that was almost nonsensical.

A picture shows Trump nearly falling as he avoids a handshake:

We don’t endorse the conclusion above as proof of dementia, which can only be done by a neurologist after a review of all systems and meds. We use it to demonstrate the obvious physical symptoms.

Now, literally the worst video we’ve seen in a long time. In addition to below, other people noticed the creases of what appears to be a girdle (noted by Trump insider Noel Casler.) As well as bulging in the upper pants, could easily be for incontinence.  But the balance and physical limitations were the most obvious symptom – so terrifying, he looks around like an Alzheimer’s patient. Note that Pence doesn’t move and keeps his gaze upward.

Next was a speech to NASA in which he appeared glistening with sweat and appeared to lose his place a few times. He also bizarrely talked about weapons you can’t imagine, wholly inappropriate for NASA, a civilian agency.

On Saturday night Trump was tweeting late into the night with some of the most inappropriate tweets yet.

Sunday, total lid on the White House, not a single picture, just bizarre tweets all day, two-word tweets, one-word tweets, lots of retweets. He either rushed to the bunker himself or was rushed down to the bunker by his detail, perhaps some paranoia, or at the very least, shaken by the experience.

Monday: Yelling at governors, saying they look like “fools” and that they must “dominate,” as well as stating that he’s talked to General Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs, “to do something that’s never been done before.” He also talked to Vladimir Putin, perhaps out of fear that something may come out, perhaps to get advice. He appears comforted by Putin’s advice. Unbelievable.

No pictures from Monday that we know of yet. But watch the video from 2014 below. Forget for a second that he’s saying that rioting and the destruction of social order are necessary to take control and make the country great again. Simply note that he can speak. He is responsive to questions. He isn’t monotone and is talking “to” people, not “at” people. Compare it to today. The decline is obvious.

Take all of it in, the obvious physical issues, along with the inability to make a real speech from the White House addressing THE issue rocking the country, and the impulsive tweets, the tweets, the tweets, the tweets. They are rocking the country, too. Only two Republicans have come out in support of him over the last few days. We need a real leader and we are completely rudderless, adrift, and could be subject to any whim by a man decompensating before our eyes. It could just be fatigue. It could be much worse. It doesn’t matter.

His health is failing in our opinion, impacting his already questionable decisions.

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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