Politics - News Analysis

Medal of Freedom Winner Rush Limbaugh Thinks It’s OK to Call Kamala Harris a ‘Mattress’ and a ‘Hoe’

Rush is back at it, being “Rush Limbaugh,” the man that Donald Trump saw fit to award the Medal of Freedom for doing the exact type of things that Rush Limbaugh continues to do, which is spread hatred with his lies, hypocrisy, and self-satisfied take on the world.

Yesterday, we reported that Rush had called Katherine Harris a “Ho” and that she had slept her way to the top. Now Rush is busy filling in details, making things up, which we have decided to publish only in an attempt to get Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors to “rush” away from his rancid program.

Rush said:

“The NBA has fired a freelance photographer because he insulted Kamala Harris. His name is Bill Baptist. He posted an image that read ‘Joe and the Hoe.’ H-O-E. Now, what do you think that’s about, ‘Joe and the Hoe’?

“Well, that takes me to the second story. ‘It’s no secret, but public knowledge that Kamala Harris slept her way up into California political life by being a very public escort and mattress for California Democrat kingmaker Willie Brown.’

“Now, some people read this story, ‘Mattress? Didn’t he mean mistress?’ No, I think they meant ‘mattress’ here.

“So we have two different stories here that are trading off the known fact that she was Willie Brown’s mattress, and that he has written about it, and that he has talked about how it propelled her — that he ended up being one of her mentors.”

So that is Rush Limbaugh, Medal of Freedom winner. It is shocking that this man is this oblivious to hypocrisy. Forget that he’s lying about the underlying facts, forget that he’s making it all up. Does he want to talk about the things in his past? Who is he to judge anyone? Does he want to talk about the things in Trump’s past? What are Rush’s thoughts on Melania?

Contact his sponsors. The only thing these people find threatening is a threat to their money.

You would think that someone with terminal lung cancer would have gone through some introspection. Rush is making it very hard to not celebrate the day that he passes.

People are rightfully disgusted:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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