Politics - News Analysis

Trump is Panicking: Says Both Candidates Should Submit to a Drug Test Before the Debates

Yes, according to the Washington Examiner Trump said today that he believes both candidates should be administered a drug test prior to the debates. This is flat bizarre coming from a man who is still doing everything possible to hide his taxes from the American people and has not yet released any sort of results from his “annual” physical that he says he’s not had time to complete. Trump released only a one-paragraph letter from some doctor saying that his condition remains unchanged from his last exam. One could read that statement as fairly damning if the last exam was done secretly and one wants to think conspiratorially.

Trump says that such a test is justified because of Biden’s dramatic improvement in his debates during the Democratic primary. This might be the single dumbest justification in history. We might also note that we’re read reports stating that Trump presumes that everyone lives their lives doing the things he does behind the scenes. He truly doesn’t believe he is unique. He wanted those Clinton emails, sure that they’d be just as damning as his taxes and financial documents.

Let’s be real. There is no conceivable way that Trump thinks that either of them is going to take a drug test prior to the debate, no matter what Trump demands – unless Trump already believes he can rig it (which is possible). Trump – as per usual – wants to cast doubt upon Biden and cover the fact that rumors have long swirled that he uses both illicit drugs and misuses prescription drugs. Indeed, Trump’s behavior changes so erratically from one day to another that very prominent people have openly speculated that Trump loads himself up. Trump may be proposing this ludicrous idea to head off some of those rumors because he knows it will never happen.

This quote is out today despite the fact that Trump references debate perfomances that happened long ago.

“Nobody thought that he was even going to win,” Trump said. “Because his debate performances were so bad. Frankly, his best performance was against Bernie. We’re going to call for a drug test, by the way, because his best performance was against Bernie. It wasn’t that he was Winston Churchill because he wasn’t, but it was a normal, boring debate. You know, nothing amazing happened. And we are going to call for a drug test because there’s no way — you can’t do that.”

As always, Trump accuses the other side of issues that swirl around him. Always. Thus, now he gets to associate Biden and “drugs” despite the fact that these rumors have centered around him, and not without justification.

Well, it is a prizefight,” Trump answered. “It’s no different from the gladiators, except we have to use our brain and our mouth. And our body to stand. I want all standing; they want to sit down.”

We have absolutely no concerns that Biden is using any medication improperly. To the extent that his doctors have him on medication that improves his function, how can that possibly be held against him? For that reason, the Biden came should strongly consider quickly accepting the offer and demand a pre-debate hair follicle test which could detect drugs back at least three months, and an immediate post-debate test to determine if either utilized anything illicit. We strongly believe that Trump would shit his pants. If all tests were clear – nothing lost. Moreover, it would be very tempting to insist that the test include all therapeutic drugs and drugs of abuse, an entire panel.

Moreover, if Biden accepted the condition, it would put Biden in the perfect situation where he could insist that Trump submit to a full physical done by a neutral physician and also producing his taxes prior to the debate. After all, Biden can say “I have nothing to hide, but this man hides everything. The SCOTUS has ordered that Trump turn at least some of his taxes over to the state of New York and some to congress. Trump’s taxes are coming out anyway, they should come out while he’s asking for the job. Biden has already submitted years’ worth of taxes.

We cannot conceive of a situation – given his past and his behavior – that Trump truly believes that there will be a drug test. This is far more likely to be something Trump shot off half-cocked, sure that it will never happen. It probably won’t happen anyway, but Biden ought to readily accept. To the extent that Biden may be on some medications that his doctors prescribe, there would be no shame in it no matter what they might be, and he can point out that Trump specifically asked for the test because these medicines work – he did better. Trump might well have a much more difficult time, given the rumors. If Trump fully passes, so what? We are certain Biden has nothing to hide on this end and he can prove that Trump is the one always hiding his physical. Biden agreed to Trump’s demand. Why wouldn’t Trump agree to Biden’s demand for a physical and taxes?

Besides, even if Biden readily accepts, it is still highly unlikely that any drug test will actually take place. Trump is a master at backing out. Biden can do his own and then Trump looks even worse. Biden did it when challenged. Trump did not. Damn it, Joe, we have faith in you. Grab it! This could launch you to a 20 point lead.

Ha! Biden could even insist upon the test be given by a Canadian neutral observer, just like the U.S. used to send international observers to banana republics and taunt Trump that this is where the country stands now under Trump.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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