Politics - News Analysis

Finally Free to Speak His Mind, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman Says Trump is Putin’s ‘Useful Idiot’ and a Puppet

There are many in our media that are so tired of covering Trump that they’re no longer even trying to cover-over the disgusting nature of Trump’s campaign. They will lay it bare for all the world to see, no matter how messy. Playboy’s political reporter, the redoubtable Brian Karem, is one of those media figures. He took in the last couple weeks of the Trump campaign and sets out the many ridiculous inconsistencies in a movement with one platform only – what’s best for Donald Trump. That is the “vision” in this campaign.

Trump can and will say anything at any time, take any position at any given time, if he believes it is best for Donald Trump to do so. When asked about the safety of indoor rallies Trump – without any sense of irony or deeper thought – says that he’s well-protected, up on stage, quite a bit removed from the people. This answer explains Trump’s governing philosophy with greater precision than anything we’ve previously seen. It is all about him.

Trump says that his indoor rallies are “peaceful protests” and he’s all for peaceful protests. He says he lied about COVID to keep the country calm, and its spirits up. He is the national cheerleader except when he wants the nation to explode.

Our national cheerleader—or Putin’s “free chicken,” as retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman described Trump this week—isn’t particularly happy with certain people. He’s already claimed Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are traitors, and he stood by as his Nevada faithful chanted “Lock him up” regarding Obama. And while stumping in Nevada, Trump said he’s going to get “vicious” on the campaign trail because Biden aired an ad Trump doesn’t like. He’s going to be as nasty as he wants to be—even if it invites panic. That pimple is ready to pop.

Right. Trump is just fine with “panic,” he just wants people panicking about the right things, like black people – which is a move that Russia favors according to New York Times’ reporting as of last March.

The question must be asked: If you deny those who wish to peacefully protest a method to do so, what do you expect the outcome will be? Subservience is what Trump wants.

Subservience is the key. Trump desperately wants to be a dictator like the men of his dreams. He wants to be a combination of Putin, MBS and Kim. He wants the U.S. to be like the fall of the Soviet Union, where the plutocrats busted-up a nation and sold it off for scrap, vastly enriching themselves in money and power. It isn’t supposed to happen here, but it is happening here and will continue unless we lance him.

Trump is a prominent national zit on the face of the United States. The world is watching him, and he loves it, as ugly as he is. The zit grows and grows. You have to lance it or let it explode. Do we pop that national pimple in November, or watch it blow up in our face? Either way, it’s likely to get messy.

Gross imagery befitting a gross man, a man who spends an hour pancaking makeup, sculpting what’s left of his hair, putting on platform shoes, and medicating-up with whatever it is he uses, all to create a “show” in which he’s the star. It is all that ever mattered, the only platform. Yes, it will get messy. The problem is that it’s already a mess. The question is whether there’s even the will left to clean up. The dangerousness is readily apparent.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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