Politics - News Analysis

Trump Launches Disgusting Attack Against Former CoS Gen. John Kelly, ‘He Was Unable to Function!’

On today of all days, we awaited Trump’s presser because we believed that he had to come out and address the comments that have ripped the nation apart. Instead, Trump spent more time in his original statement explaining why it was great to have Coach Lou Holtz – whom we’ve lost all respect for – at his press conference and how Lou Holtz would be getting the presidential Medal of Freedom. Only at the very very end of the press conference did Trump break news and address the story of the weekend. The source “could be” John Kelly. Now we await Kelly’s response, if any.

We will take you through the press conference that had a few highlights.

Trump appeared to have been given an elephant dose of sedatives just prior to the press conference. Maybe “elephant” is a little strong, perhaps “Very Big Man” dose.

Trump then had Larry Kudlow come out and make a statement that made very little sense other than misleading the public on who was getting a tax hike under Biden. You are not getting a tax hike unless your household has more than $400,000 in income per year and even then it is only 4%. But Kudlow wants you to believe he’s talking about you because the tax increase will raise $4 trillion dollars and how can that not come out of your pocket? (pro-tip – easily.)

Trump took questions, sort of. The first two questions were clearly planted questions by the White House, at least that is our best guess, given that neither question involved the revelations from the Atlantic. It felt awkward, as you might imagine.

Yep. When it goes to a reporter standing in the back it is OANN because they are not part of the WHCA and in the press room because the Trump administration gave them a pass.

The first question (real question) concerned Russia and whether Trump would condemn Putin trying to kill the opposition and Russia. Trump reassured us that no one’s been tougher on Russia, and there is no “proof” that Putin attempted to kill his opponent. But if the use of the very specific poison isn’t “proof” enough, there never will be sufficient proof. Trump says it’s “interesting” that everyone always associates him with Russia. He then immediately said China’s far worse and brought up the “China-virus.” This explains the focus on Russia because Trump never wants to put Russia down or actually “be” tough on Russia, only “say” he’s tough on Russia. He was anything “but” tough on Russia when asked about Putin.

Finally, Trump was asked about his thoughts on John McCain and did he regret any of his comments on McCain. Trump basically punted, saying he didn’t get along with McCain and meandered from there, with no energy at all.

Trump lied. Saying he knows of countries with higher COVID death reports than the United States but they don’t report their cases. Trump said that if we cut our testing in half, we’d probably cut our cases in half. He honestly doesn’t know what he’s saying. He really sees no apparent flaws in that statement. He said if we did no testing we’d have hardly any cases. A reporter needs to ask, “If the United States outlawed pregnancy tests, does he believe that any babies would be born in the next year?” Because he truly doesn’t seem to understand.

He says we would have 2 million deaths if we didn’t do what we’ve done. But that’s not true. We could have done absolutely nothing and we wouldn’t have 2 million deaths YET.  We are at 187,000 deaths and summer just ended. Jaws would have dropped back in March had we known that number, but he’s normalized all this by now.

The elephant in the room remained in the corner:

Oops. The next question involved the Atlantic report.

When asked Trump went immediately into “It’s a hoax” and “totally unrelated” and “failing magazines” and no one called him to ask him. “It is a continuation of the witch hunt,” and this is on par with the “fake dossier.”

Trump has one tool and he uses it over and over.

“It is a shame” that he’s “attacked more than any president ever” and “there’s nobody that’s been able to do what I’ve done.”

When asked why John Kelly hasn’t backed Trump up, Trump said that John Kelly was “eaten-up” and might have been the source of the story! Trump said Kelly was “unable to handle the pressure” of the job.

Only then did Trump bring out the gun he wanted to shoot, he made it sound as if he is the victim of the press. HE is the real victim here because they are so terrible to him, he then lumbered off the stage.

So they story going into the weekend is whether John Kelly comes out to speak, the guy who was there in Paris with Trump and no reason to lie to anyone. Will Kelly speak? We ask because Trump already has his defense ready. Kelly is washed-up.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom









meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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