Politics - News Analysis

Ivanka Reportedly Telling Dad to Accept Reality … Because She Eyes Her Own White House Run

We have been forced to speculate on a lot of things we’d rather have not had to consider lately. We have had to consider the plan that Trump might have that is most likely to succeed, we have had to speculate on which Republicans might turn on Trump and say it’s over, and we have also had to speculate on who it would eventually be the one that goes to Trump to say that it’s over, stop it, you’re embarrassing yourself and it’s time to move on. We said it might well be Ivanka because – for very creepy reasons – Trump seems unable to say no to her.

According to the Daily Mail, Ivanka has been suggesting – quietly – to her father that it might be best to move on. But her advice is not out of the goodness of her stone-cold black heart but out of a calculated political decision:

Ivanka Trump has been quietly urging her father to throw in the towel and concede the election to Joe Biden, as she sets her sights on her own future White House run, well-placed sources have exclusively told DailyMail.com.

Yes, it is about her. And just like Dad, we’d best get used to the idea that everything Ivanka does into the future will be about just her. Interestingly, her brother, Donald Jr. is taking the opposite tact with dad but for the exact same reason, it helps HIS political future. Don Jr. likely knows there’s almost no shot. But Junior’s “brand” with the MAGAs is “I am YOU, even more than Dad, and I’ll fight harder.”

But Ivanka is softer gentler Trump:

But behind the scenes, the first daughter has been pushing for Trump and his administration to admit defeat, saying during a senior staff meeting it was an ‘honor to serve the people and people should be happy with what they accomplished’.

An insider with close ties to the Trump family explained: ‘Ivanka has her own agenda. She’s has had her eyes on the desk behind the Oval Office since day one and she’s not about to burn any bridges by mouthing off like Don Jr. who keeps lashing out on Twitter.

‘Everything she puts out is calculated and well thought out because she’s always looking at the big picture.’

They both absolutely see themselves as future presidents. And they should! The GOP isn’t the GOP anymore. It is just “Trump” and whatever “Trump,” thinks or wants. It will take “Trumps” to keep that cult together and eventually the old guy Trump will die. One of them is going to pick up the mantle, or both, and we’ll see who has more success.

We would dearly love to laugh our ass off about “Ivanka Trump” thinking she’s “presidential material” but we got in trouble laughing so hard about Donald, so anything is possible with Republicans and we’re not making the same mistake.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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