Politics - News Analysis

Trump Fights to Keep Job That He’s NOT DOING: WaPo Reports Trump Never Attends Vital Meetings

From the sounds of it, Donald Trump is acutely interested in keeping the White House, as in the house itself, the place to live, all those fancy big cars, the big military helicopter, that beautiful blue airplane, and all those people calling him “Sir,” plus the ability to bill the government for certain services … plus the immunity from being indicted, he’s interested in all that but not really interested in being president. 

Ironically, Joe Biden is probably the one person on earth least impressed with all the trappings of the presidency and most interested in what one can do with the job itself.

Donald Trump doesn’t actually DO the job of president, according to the Washington Post:

Imagine if, in November 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had decided to check out of World War II because it wasn’t going as well as he had hoped. Imagine if he had secluded himself in the Oval Office, listening to the radio all day, laughing at “Fibber McGee and Molly” and cursing at Walter Winchell’s news program. Imagine if, instead of attending meetings with his military chiefs, he spent his time purging government officials who weren’t loyal New Dealers and screaming about supposed fraud in the midterm elections (a big Republican victory).

That’s roughly where we stand today with President Trump and the coronavirus. A million new cases of covid-19 were recorded in the United States last week. On Saturday alone, we lost more than 1,300 people — equivalent to some three Boeing 747 crashes. To put our tragedy in perspective: As economist Jeremy Horpedahl pointed out, South Dakota (pop. 885,000) has about 25 percent more covid-19 deaths than South Korea (pop. 51 million). On the current trajectory, the United States will lose more lives by March 1 — roughly 440,000 — than the number of Americans who died in all of World War II.

Under Donald Trump, the United States – alone, because no other country on earth is going through what we’re going through – will lose more people in one year, than we did in all of World War II. In one year. Three 747 crashes per day. And yet Trump says he wants credit for having the vaccine developed while he was president. Yet he doesn’t do anything.

Yet instead of providing leadership in a time of crisis, Trump prefers to golf, nurse his grudges and try to overturn the results of the election. The Post reports that “the president has not attended a coronavirus task force meeting in ‘at least five months,’” “is no longer regularly briefed on the pandemic by his team of doctors,” “rarely reads the daily virus reports” prepared by his staff and “has all but ceased to actively manage the deadly pandemic.”

Trump is doing virtually no “work” and all the “work” he is doing is wrapped up in trying to keep the “job.” But he doesn’t want the “job,” he wants all the trappings (especially the no indictment part), he wants the White House, Air Force One and all the “Sir” stories he can tell, but he has no interest in seeing if he can help drag the U.S. out of three 747 crashes per day, or 440,000 deaths in ONE YEAR under Donald Trump.


But he damned well wants credit for the vaccines, damn it!

Yeah, he wants credit, even though he’s not been doing anything for a year.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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