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Don Jr. Posts Gross Meme Calling Nancy Pelosi a B**ch and He Thinks He’s Just So Clever

Yesterday we proudly, responsibly, and comprehensively took Don Jr. to the woodshed [1] and did not let him out until he heard the entirety of his damage to this nation. And behold! Today we get another example in which he tries to drag this country into the gutter with his base and juvenile behavior.

Normally, a president’s son or daughter’s statements wouldn’t be worth any coverage. But Junor is not the normal president’s son. Someway, somehow, this jackass – raised as a rich kid in a condo on 5th Avenue in mid-town Manhattan, found a way to brand himself as a man of the people, a fully subsumed MAGA. The transformation was breathtaking.

Thus it is that Junior can say and do things that neither his father nor sister would dare attempt. Junior knows that he has the entire MAGA movement backing him up, culturally – he represents “them” and “is” one of them. Because they are never wrong, Junior can get away with just about anything because he’s never wrong.

Junior usually uses Twitter when sending a message to the world at large, Twitter clearly has a bigger audience. But he seems to publish his more controversial and edgier statements for Instagram. Just yesterday he published a post that essentially calls Nancy Pelosi a b*tch.

Ha, how clever. A bitch in a ditch, oh haha so funny. A picture that uses the second worst word that can be applied to a woman, just to call her a name. This is the type of humor normally found in … what? Twelve-year-olds? There is no deeper meaning, no message, nothing clever to the picture or the word used. He even uses an emoji to express his laughter, this is so funny.

If there was a similar picture of Donald Trump with simple name-calling and nothing conveying a little more meaning, something subtle, would anyone laugh?

Maybe some on the left, but no writer or reader here would. No reader would even be here if someone sought out that kind of stuff. We like to think of ourselves as providing a next-level analysis. We take the news and then analyze the deeper meaning and its place in the current environment. We publish a lot of the sillier news out there because it is satisfying to slip something deep and meaningful even in the dumbest of topics. It is similar when people publish the powerful memes.

Meanwhile, unlike Junior, Nancy Pelosi has spent decades in service of this country. She spends much of it working to progress the left’s values and programs, but not all. She has also taken stands for the United States as a whole when its reputation at home or abroad is threatened, something that has never occurred to Junior.

Junior has done a lot of harmful stuff that threatened and degraded the United States’ reputation at home and abroad. And he did it in only four years. If he wants a list and explanation, he need only read that beat down from yesterday. Meanwhile, save the name-calling to the 12-year-olds.


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Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak