Politics - News Analysis

Rush Limbaugh Loses His Mind On-Air Over Biden’s Inauguration, ‘They Have Not Legitimately Won It!’

We do not, and will not ever, reference Limbaugh’s bout with cancer or his health. It is hard to talk about his deranged mind and not have some believe that there’s a hint-nudge-wink at cancer overcoming him, or chemo, or something. We don’t do that. But have no doubt, Limbaugh’s mind is completely unhinged and MAGA-mangled.

It would be fair to ask: “So? What’s new?”

That’s an easy question to answer. The old Rush, the pre-Trump Rush, wouldn’t be questioning the legitimacy of the election itself today. He wouldn’t be delving into conspiracy theories from the past. No, the old Rush would have something brand new to whip on Biden, some new toy on which the Right could chew while opposing everything Biden might do. Old Rush would be talking about the United States imposing “socialism” at home and everywhere else, all because Biden wants to raise the minimum wage – or something equally stupid.

But this is Rush post-Trump. He has nothing. His head is exploding and he’s still yelling about the “stop the steal” conspiracy. With only two or three exceptions, no GOP politician even believes that conspiracy! According to Mediaite:

Limbaugh claimed that the real reason for the arrangement “is that I don’t think they were confident a bunch of people would show up for this.”

“I think they know that this is something that’s been arranged, rather than legitimately sought and won,” Limbaugh said. “And you can see this in their attitudes, in their smiles, you can see it, hear it in the words that they are uttering.

See what, exactly? Because no one on that stage projected anything but relief and unbounded pride that they did it, they convinced far more people to vote for them over Trump. They celebrated democracy, with joy! The country picked this side, the bright side! Of course, Limbaugh’s addled mind is going to see what he wants to see.

They’re going to have to take it, they’re going to have to hold on to it, and never let go of it. They have not legitimately won it…I’m almost of the mind that they know that there’s not a full-fledged legitimacy to this. But it doesn’t matter, because they’re able to lie to themselves, they’re able to tell themselves stories.

This is coming from a Trump supporter. Trump. Trump is the guy that threaded a needle – with Russia’s help – to win the first time and got trounced in the popular vote both times. A Trump supporter says Biden knows he’s not legitimate.

Can Biden revoke the Medal of Freedom? Perhaps it would help Rush see that Biden actually is a very legitimate president. Indeed, Biden is so legitimate and confident that he allowed himself to be the first president to take a Medal of Freedom away. We will look into it. Rush can continue to look into those “Chinese ballots” and socialist Republicans in Georgia.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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