Politics - News Analysis

Trump MAGA Man, Jason Miller, Loses Defamation Suit Over Slipping an Abortant Pill Into Mistress’s Drink

The more one finds out about Jason Miller, the more one shakes their head about these people even find each other? Is this what it takes to be part of team Trump? It sure looks like it.

First and foremost, Jason Miller is a “lie, cheat, steal, win at all costs” type, the type required to move up in any Trump project. He is one of the biggest “Big Lie” proponents on television. He doesn’t seem to possess any sort of “deeper level,” that type where one finds introspection, reflection, humility, and personal values. He is a serial philanderer (How he even successfully achieved that status cannot be answered by any of the women we know.) He is so far behind in his child-support payments that the judge is looking at various ways to grab the money he surely has somewhere. And now we find out that Miller almost surely slipped an abortant pill into his mistress’s drink, something so unbelievably awful that we’re amazed it wasn’t charged as a crime. Perhaps there wasn’t enough evidence. We don’t know.

We know Miller almost surely did slip the pill into the drink (It is taken as “fact” on Twitter) because Miller sued Gizmodo, the media organization that made the allegation, for $100 million. Except the truth is the ultimate defense and…

You will note that the Court ordered Miller’s defamation suit dismissed (as agreed by the parties) and ordered Miller to pay $41,868.23 in attorney’s fees (as agreed by the parties). You have to really lose a case to “settle” by dismissing it and agreeing to pay the other side’s attorney’s fees. You have to lose such that you’re all but admitting that what they published was true.

Before we get to the net’s thoughts, we want to make one point. We were not there when he did or didn’t slip it. We haven’t spoken to the woman involved. We cannot prove with 100% specificity that Miller did exactly what he was said to have done (No matter what Twitter says) and it doesn’t appear anyone has proven it to a jury. But everything we see says Miller did do it. Anyone who does such a thing is a monster. One doesn’t slip “anything” into “anyone’s” drink. But to slip something that renders a woman defenseless when it comes to s*x, is a crime. And if someone slipped something that impacts a woman’s body and a possible pregnancy, that damn well better be a crime, too.

If he believed that taking the pill was the right thing to do, he needed to talk to her about it. If she agreed it was the right thing to do, she could have just taken it. If he tried to make the decision on his own, he’s a monster (Perhaps she wanted to be pregnant, just on her own terms. Her body, her choice) Introducing any chemical with that kind of potency into a woman’s body is beyond…

We can prove that Miller is a monster with all kinds of other evidence. But when it comes to this matter, it sure looks like Miller is admitting it’s true. He really, really, really, couldn’t prove it was defemation (see settlement).

Fck this guy. Seriously. And MAGA.
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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