Politics - News Analysis

Trump’s INSANE Lies and Delusions are Starting to Terrify Those Closest To Him

There has been a deluge of reporting on the fact that Trump believes he’s going to somehow be reinstated as president this year, either by August 1st or whenever (We suspect he would agree to wait until August 6th if offered). The story is no longer about Trump and his insanity, it’s not about the media’s Trump obsession (this site included). Trump is almost a non-story. The news worth hearing is the impact on the people around Trump and what this is doing to erode democracy in America.

The MAGA army awaits to be called out. All they need to hear is something, anything, sounding like a claim as “proof” that Trump won and we could face January 6th all over again, only more intense, and on softer targets. From CNN’s Jim Acosta:

“Now, this adviser, who is familiar with these conversations, went on to say that it doesn’t appear that Trump really believes that he could somehow be reinstated or assume the presidency later on this year, but this source went on to say, you know, listen, Trump has listened to all kinds of things these days, and he is trying to grasp at straws to see if there is some way to get back into the White House,” continued Acosta. “And the source went on the describe these conversations as ‘very dangerous.'”

Just Thursday, we reported on writers at the highly conservative National Review becoming “startled” by Trump’s delusions and that “he really believes it.” Acosta’s report differs somewhat, but we believe the “grasping at straws” stuff and we definitely believe he is very dangerous. The moment he realizes it just is not going to happen, probably ever, he might just want to destroy things. Worse.

“So Erin, it does seem that the former president is not letting this lie. He’s reaching out to people, and people at this point are trying to talk him back into the real world, which is, of course, where he has not been residing lately, because he’s been believing in and investing in these far-fetched ideas.”

One could argue that in some ways, we’d be better off if people just let Trump “dream” that it might come true through some process and not destroy his dream. Destroying his dream might just make him call on people to destroy things. This man’s movement is incredibly dangerous. We saw what he could call upon them to do. They will never hit the Capitol or the White House. We fear that they’ll hit “soft targets” across the country.

This is what fascists movements do and one is taking hold in this country. Look at the statutes changed in various red states, look at the Republican Senate refusing to even study this. There is a disease in this country and he’s the center of it. People may be sick of hearing about him, Don Lemmon might say don’t cover him, but it’s not “him.” This is about “us” and this country’s immediate future.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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