Politics - News Analysis

Gaetz Claims He’ll Nominate Trump to be Speaker After Sending Pelosi ‘Back to the Filth of San Francisco’

Matt Gaetz is clearly not thinking very well. To be fair, it sounds like it’s been quite a while since he’s given any thought to anything at all, and to the extent he did any thinking it wasn’t with his brain, nor did he consider how he would feel if he were the father of a high school girl victimized by a predator like Gaetz.

Perhaps due to some of his issues, Gaetz prefers to create outrageous headlines that don’t reference a possible impending arrest.  We also wonder if Gaetz is trying to talk to some jurors out there, ones that want a guy like him around. We cannot know.

We do know that Gaetz has a pattern of getting ahead of himself a bit and making decisions rashly, before he has all the facts, because he announced he would nominate Trump as Speaker of the House:

“After the next election cycle when we take back the House of Representatives, when we send [current Speaker] Nancy Pelosi back to the filth of San Francisco, my commitment to you is that my vote for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives will go to Donald J. Trump,” the Republican congressman said to a crowd gathered for Trump’s rally in Sarasota, Florida, on Saturday.

Gaetz really shouldn’t be using the word “filth,” at least not around dads of teenage daughters, who might shove some filth down… It is true that the Constitution doesn’t specifically require the Speaker of the House to be a member of the House. But the Constitution doesn’t specifically require that Matt Gaetz remain in Congress even if not formally charged with a crime yet.

Undoubtedly, Trump would see himself as above being Speaker, were it not for the fact that he’d get to immediately order the impeachment of Joe Biden for “stealing a rigged election” while impeaching Kamala Harris at the same time for “stealing a rigged election while being a woman.”

If both were thrown out of office, it would leave Trump as president. Good thing the Senate is 50-50. And Trump would be even less popular if he continued to talk about the last election. Maybe it’s a good idea, not that the Republicans are somehow guaranteed a win in 2022.

Gaetz also addressed his legal issues:

“They always come out to the fighters. I’m a canceled man in some corners of the internet, but in the core of my bones I’m a Florida man and it feels good to be home.”

No, Matt. For the most part, they come after people who break the law, especially with underage girls. Go on down to any county courthouse anywhere, at any time, see how guys like you do, fighters or not. They get canceled. It is not like that’s a subtle law, Matt. We seriously doubt that people who are charged with felonies get reelected (though it is Florida). So don’t get ahead of yourself again, Matt. Check your facts, look before you leap.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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