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MAGA Nut SCREAMS That Fauci is an ‘Emissary of Beelzebub’ Sent to ‘Destroy the Seed of Christ’

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Dave Daubenmire was so fired up after his appearance at a conference at his home state of Ohio over the weekend that he went full-on rant mode on his Pass The Salt Live webcast Monday morning. During his weekend appearance, he shared the stage with fellow conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine nutter Sherri Tenpenny, Right Wing Watch [1] reports.

So of course Daubenmire now had all sorts of misinformation to spew about vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions on said program, which led him into a screeching meltdown wherein he accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of conspiring with Satan to bring down Christians.

But perhaps one of the silliest things about people like Daubenmire is that they remind me that Satan has purportedly been trying to destroy Christians over at least the past two millennia, and so far his batting average hasn’t been very good.

That, however, doesn’t prevent Daubenmire from going from one ridiculous claim to another. This includes last October when he insisted [2] Democrats had a secret plan to make Barack Obama president again. On his program Monday, he spent the majority of his time discussing The Book of Giants, a mythical book supposedly written by the prophet Enoch that supposedly explains why God unleashed Noah’s flood. The book reportedly claims angels rebelled against God and had sex with human women, who then gave birth to the Nephilim, a race of wicked giants.

Kind of makes me wish I could have joined in this fun.

But these giants were an extra special kind of evil. So evil, in fact, that God had no choice but to destroy the world.

And yes, good ol’ coach Dave (as he likes to call himself) believes in the historical existence of the Nephilim and also believes the COVID-19 vaccines are connected to the End Times. So he took the opportunity to cite Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24 that “as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man,” and connected that to the vaccines, saying they are the modern-day equivalent of demonic efforts to taint humanity’s DNA.

Of course, he dragged Tenpenny in on this one.

“Friends, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man,” he screamed. “And if Dr. Sherry Tenpenny was here, what would she tell us? That this jab is mixing and melting and working and screwing up your DNA! The same thing that was going on before the days of Noah. The exact same thing. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.”

Then he had some complimentary words for Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Dr. Fauci is an emissary of the devil, folks,” he said while still in shout mode. “Not just the devil that you see on Halloween. Not just a guy who dresses up in a suit. He is an emissary of Beelzebub himself, sent to deceive and destroy the seed of Christ!”

I don’t know what you think, but Dr. Fauci looks pretty harmless to me. But if you want to have a good laugh, here’s Daubenmire in the video below.