Politics - News Analysis

Racist MAGA Covid-Denier Attacks Lawmaker For His Vietnamese Heritage, ‘Go the F*ck Back to Vietnam!’

There are very good reasons for people to believe that California is the land of liberals who understand that society is nuanced, that racism won’t be tolerated and no xenophobia. And yet what happened Friday night at the meeting of the Orange County Supervisors proves that there are pockets of racists and anti-immigrants, (“MAGAs”) wherever one goes.

We cannot confirm the exact circumstances, we are going by what seem like reliable tweets to set up the context. Of one thing we are sure, most of the anger was directed at Andrew Do, an Asian American who is originally from Vietnam. He fled with his family as a child during the fall of Saigon and went to California.

Once in California and as a citizen of the United States, Do graduated from U.C. Davis (Admissions into any U.C. school are very difficult) and then attended the Univ. of California-Hastings, the University of California’s original law school and the Alma Mater of our Vice President Kamala Harris, (A school whose admission process is even more difficult).

From there, Do did public service and eventually became chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Because Do started life in Vietnam he became targeted by MAGAs last night, angry about something to do with COVID but mostly wanting Do to get back to Vietnam, the Covid-Truther-MAGA began by saying:

“Mr. Do going on in your country right now is (sic) 4,000 little kids that are in quarantine camps away from their parents because of the fake scamdemic, and you come to MY country and act like one of these communist parasites, I ask you to go the F**K back to Vietnam!!! 

Many in the crowd cheered.

This is xenophobia at its essence. We cannot confirm anything about 4,000 children being quarantined away from their parents, we do know that there is no “scamdemic” going around the world. But it’s likely that none of it mattered. The MAGA really wanted to let Chairman Do know that he believed he was a communist and wanted this lifelong American to “get out of MY country.”


This is happening all over the country. It is not confined to red states. It can find it’s way into any state. This may have been one guy speaking at one meeting, and yet the cheers meant something. The cheers indicate to us that this type of aggressive and proud racism or xenophobia is increasingly accepted in this country in public, as political, and not simply hate speech. Thank Trump.

It will take two to three generations to remove it, if ever. We better start working on that removal now. But it is tough to know where to begin. Supporting Chairman Do would seem like a good start.

[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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