Politics - News Analysis

Trump Once Referred to Angela Merkel as ‘That B*tch,’ Saying ‘I Know the Krauts’

The only thing shocking is that Trump didn’t say it in Russian. It is also quite appropriate that this news came out today, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the other leader of the free world today in the White House.

Well before Trump was even elected in 2016, there were obviously concerns, among us in the media and general public, about Trump’s links to Russia. It was very hard to ignore the fact that the only thing that the Trumps wanted to be changed from the official GOP platform in 2016 was that part that dealing with opposition of Russian aggression in Ukraine.  We have already reported, just today, that The Guardian now has notes reflecting an official meeting in Moscow in January 0f 2016, in which Russia would use its kompromat over Trump and try to get him elected. It sounds like that kompromat twisted its first arm in mid-January of 2016.

If the Russians made the decision to support Trump in January of 2016, there is a very good chance that American and German intelligence knew of the decision within thirty days. The news likely scared Germany as much as it scared the Obama administration. Germany would become the leader of the free world while the Russians controlled Trump (assuming they did, to some extent), and that made Angela Merkel the most powerful western leader.

It is likely Trump’s “affinity for Russia” and jealously of Merkel and her power that led him to despise Merkel and Germany. The comments could just as easily have come from Putin, though Putin would likely be more polite about it and said it with less jealousy. From CNN:

The book quotes Trump, who had a strained relationship with Merkel, as telling his advisers during an Oval Office meeting about NATO and the US relationship with Germany, “That b*tch Merkel.”

“‘I know the f**king krauts,’ the president added, using a derogatory term for German soldiers from World War I and World War II,” Leonnig and Rucker write. “Trump then pointed to a framed photograph of his father, Fred Trump, displayed on the table behind the Resolute Desk and said, ‘I was raised by the biggest kraut of them all.'”

He didn’t know anything about anything except that he and Russia wanted the U.S. out of NATO (as John Bolton predicted would happen if Trump had a second term). If the U.S. did withdraw from NATO, Germany would lead the other nations in punishing the U.S. for selling them out.

Plus, Trump just hates women, generally. He hates powerful women, especially. And he surely hated the fact that Merkel was smarter and more powerful than him. She was, after all, the leader of the free world, at least at the time.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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