Politics - News Analysis

Trump Campaign Forced to Give MILLIONS in Refunds to Donors Who They Duped

We all remember the news from both last spring and in late summer. The “Death Star” developed in March did what “Death Stars” do, they get blown to smithereens by a bunch of small fighters by Mid-September. Nothing upsets Vader more than being poor and he used the dark side to raise money, starting in late August to early September.

Back in March and April, we were reading articles about Brad Parscale walking around talking about this $800 million in the bank and a database that would take a computer the size of a death star to hold the amount of contact information for the campaign to request money, and people who might request tickets to Covapalooza rallies. Well, the ticket requests and the “potential donors” were mostly Zoomers firing their warning shots over the bow of the U.S.S. Pu-Trump, and the $800 million – while real at the time, did what money does when it gets close to Trump, it disappeared.

By late August, it got so bad that the Trump camp was pulling commercials in markets like the Phoenix area (why spend money in a GOP state amirite?) and many other places, perhaps some in Wisconsin and Michigan. So Team Trump did what Trump always does when it needs money, it scammed people. We have reported on many scams, double, triple, donations, not just auto-monthly, but auto-biweekly, (What kind of people could, in good conscience, do this?), you had to “Op-Out” of double to triple donations in a small square. Even Vader might say, “Well, we can’t do that!”

People complained, the campaign got caught, they had to pay the money back with the money they didn’t have in the first place and so they are still paying the money back which might be – in part – why we’re still hearing about audits and reinstatement. According to the New York Times:

“The refunds were some of the biggest outlays that Mr. Trump made in 2021 as he has built up his $102 million political war chest — and amounted to roughly 20 percent of the $56 million he and his committees raised online so far this year.”

It gets worse:

The report goes on to note that reports from Republican donation-processing site WinRed show “more than $135 million was refunded to donors by Mr. Trump, the Republican National Committee and their shared accounts in the 2020 cycle through June 2021 — including roughly $60 million after Election Day.

Perfection. So, at the very least, every five dollars someone donates to the Trump “campaign” (or whatever they call it now, “PAC” or whatever) one dollar goes to pay back the last guy they scammed, and for some, it’s one out of every $3. And that’s just “scammed money.” That’s not money held and used for… lawyers’ bills for other things that come up.

We are strongly considering donating a negative $10,000 and demand a positive return because their computer screwed it up and it was supposed to be real and it looked real to us because we don’t have $10,000 (easily proven), and you want them to make it right by adding a positive $10,000 to get us back to $0.00. There seems to be little risk. Or just say we donated $50,000 and they stole it, burying the information, including the fact that the money was ever in our account, bastards. They went that dark.

[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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