Politics - News Analysis

Joe Manchin Said Poor People Use Their Child Tax Credit for Drugs

This is awfully rich for a guy whose daughter is certainly close to being held liable in a civil case of price-fixing as a “drug dealer” working for big pharma. Criminal penalties haven’t been ruled out. Manchin is sounding more and more like a MAGA each day.

Did someone get to him? We know that the Kochs have their claws into him, so doesn’t that make him at least 50% GOP already? It will be an interesting day when McConnell is the majority leader again and immediately gets rid of the filibuster and hear Joe Manchin explain himself.

He need only say that he was a Republican all along. According to Huffington Post:

In recent months, Manchin has told several of his fellow Democrats that he thought parents would waste monthly child tax credit payments on drugs instead of providing for their children, according to two sources familiar with the senator’s comments.

That’s amazing. Because if his daughter’s insulin plan went through, yes, they would be buying insulin for far more money. It is also one of the most offensive, condescending, shittiest things that can be said about poor people. Rich people just use their own profits to go to doctors and get the good drugs, right, Joe?

Continuing the child tax credit for another year is a core part of the Build Back Better legislation that Democrats had hoped to pass by the end of the year. The policy has already cut child poverty by nearly 30%.

Manchin’s private comments shocked several senators, who saw it as an unfair assault on his own constituents and those struggling to raise children in poverty.

Manchin gets votes from West Virginia but his constituents are in Kansas and Texas.

Manchin has also told colleagues he believes that Americans would fraudulently use the proposed paid sick leave policy, specifically saying people would feign being sick and go on hunting trips, a source familiar with his comments told HuffPost.

And so fck the people that actually ARE sick, let them lose their rent money because they dared to actually get sick. If ten out of 100 used their sick money to go to the deer camp, that’s 90% of people who are actually sick and in desperate need of help. Manchin isn’t willing to help that 90% because ten assholes went hunting.

Fck him. He is a Republican.


[email protected] and on Substack: Much Ado about everthing

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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