Politics - News Analysis

MAGA TERROR: More Anonymous Texts Read and These are More Terrifying Than the Last Ones

The regular readers here will note that yesterday we reported on the fact that Liz Cheney read from a text from a “member of Congress” to Trump, sent to Mark Meadows, begging him to get Trump to call the entire thing off, get on television and tell people to leave the Capitol.

The entirety of Twitter believed that Cheney was referencing Jim Jordan.

The news throughout the day was that the anonymous member of congress will be revealed next week. Those of you who paid close attention, recall that we noted that just because the focus was on Cheney and Cheney only referenced one text, she did not say it was the only text from a representative to Meadows and there could be more, the committee could be trying to scare MAGA representatives into thinking that the committee has his (or her) own personal text, from January 6th or any other date, and wouldn’t know if others also texted the committee.

Today we can say that it appears there are texts from other members of Congress. Far more importantly, and terrifyingly, it appears that many in Congress knew of and supported Trump’s theories as to how to overturn the election. As many recall, Trump wanted to fire Jeffery Rosen (the Acting Attorney General) because Rosen wouldn’t sign a letter saying DOJ found fraud. Trump wanted to appoint Jeffery Clark to become the new acting Attorney General because Clark would sign that letter.

It appears at least one member of Congress knew of the plan:

Rep. Adam Schiff, another California Democrat on the committee, read a text from an unknown number that applauded the potential appointment of Jeffery Clark to be acting attorney general while Trump tried to get the Justice Department to support his false claims of election fraud. Clark was one of the big proponents at the DOJ who was pushing to use the power of the department to investigate unfounded claims of voter fraud, but he was rebuffed by the department’s leaders.

Unless Schiff referenced the exact same member of Congress (and it’s likely he might have said something to that effect, “the same representative wrote…”

But he did not. It looks like there are many texts, from multiple representatives, every one of which should be worried right now.


[email protected] and Substack: Mike Pence: Person of the Year

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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