Politics - News Analysis

Trump Cultist Trolls Biden During Annual Santa/NORAD Call With ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Exclamation and Biden Handles it Perfectly

Joe Biden just owned a MAGA the way adults are supposed to react when hit by some adult punk playing a child prank/troll/attention-grabber, quite pleased with themselves. The average adult just plays along and thus takes all the power out of the whole point in being a troll. After all, the definition of being a “troll” on the net is someone who writes/says/does things just to get a reaction and infuriate people. Take that away, and they have nothing.

Joe Biden took away the troll’s attempt to drive him crazy when the troll used the now very tired: “Let’s go Brandon” (that cute stand-in phrase for “F**K Joe Biden.) while talking with the President.

According to the Right-leaning New York Post:

President Biden got a visit from a Christmas troll Friday when a father participating in the annual White House NORAD Santa-tracking call used the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon,” the slangy stand-in for “F— Joe Biden.”

The dad, identified only as Jared from Oregon, wished the president and first lady Jill Biden a merry Christmas before adding the anti-Biden phrase at the end of his family’s portion of the call.

“Merry Christmas and let’s go Brandon,” the father said as he signed off. “Let’s go Brandon, I agree,” Biden said without missing a beat.

See? Biden probably just ruined that guy’s night. Biden agreed, “Yes, let’s go Brandon!” meaning the young race car driver, first named Brandon, whom many believe actually was being hailed by at least 50% of the crowd.

Joe Biden also blasted another message at that oh-so-clever MAGA and the movement generally, saying – in effect: “If you really think this hurts my feelings or has any impact on me, as a 74 year old grown man, President of the United States, and person with far more to worry about than the average president, then you people are even more pathetic than I thought.”

The really funny part is trying to imagine the entire thing happening in reverse with Trump as president and a liberal getting such a line in (liberals wouldn’t take the time, but pretend), it would really get to Trump. Perhaps the MAGAs believe that Trump represents the proper adult response to “trolls,” obsessing about them.

No, Joe Biden does, and just proved it.


[email protected] Substack: Much Ado About Everything

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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