Politics - News Analysis

Two Hours Before Biden’s SOTU, a Panicked Trump Issues Defensive Statement About His Putin Comments, ‘Fake News!’


Trump is in a panic. He picked the wrong horse and he’s just now figuring out how much it is costing him.

So he came up with a brilliant idea. He would put out almost the exact same statement he’s put out three to four times already! He will talk about American energy independence, without realizing that “energy” is a global market and if Brazil is going to pay more for Texas oil than Alabama, that oil is going to Brazil whether Alabama likes it or not.

But more importantly, once again, in Trump’s world, Biden’s weakness is the root cause of this war. The welcome mat was so inviting that Putin would be stupid to not walkthrough, as Trump called him smart just a week ago.

Let’s get to the statement and pick one or two things out afterward that warrant attention:

“The RINOs, Warmongers, and Fake News continue to blatantly lie and misrepresent my remarks on Putin because they know this terrible war being waged against Ukraine would have never happened under my watch. They did absolutely nothing as Putin declared much of Ukraine as independent territory. There should be no war raging right now in Ukraine and it is terrible for humanity that Biden, NATO, and the West have failed so terribly in allowing it to start. 

Instead of showing strength and toughness, they declared the Global Warming Hoax as the Number 1 threat to Global Security, killed American energy independence, and then made Europe, the U.S. and the rest of the world dependent upon Russian oil. They laid down the welcome mat and gave Russia the opening, now Putin may be getting everything he wanted, with Ukraine and the rest of the world suffering the consequences.

It’s terrible, but it’s what you get when you have Biden, the Democrats, and the RINO warmongers.

Biden’s weakness? Quite to the contrary, the news from Ukraine has been tragic, but that NATO and the world are united like never before – in large part due to Biden’s work ahead of time. Additionally, the sanctions are absolutely unprecedented, to the extent that they’re already crippling the Russian economy.

And the worst, “in allowing it to start.” Listen mother fffff, there is one reason and one reason only that this war was “allowed to start” and that is your best buddy Putin decided he was going to start a war by invading Ukraine. No one else made that decision and we couldn’t help but notice that you left all criticism of Putin, which tells us all we need to know whether you would have “stopped” this. There is nothing in the statement about Putin needing to get out, demanding Putin get out, or hoping that Putin comes to his senses and makes a deal to get out.

Plus, Trump had to put this out just 90 minutes before the State of the Union, to suck up a bit of coverage on Fox away from Biden. It is always about him.


[email protected] and with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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