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Fired WH Correspondent Emerald Robinson’s Easter Message Sounds More Hateful than Christian

Some of us are highly skeptical of “religions” and yet can happily call ourselves Christians (like this staff) because there’s a weird thing about picking up any part of the four gospels and hearing Jesus teaching radically progressive stuff. RADICALLY progressive, more progressive than most of us.

How many of us are “woke” enough to go tell the dermatologist that makes $850K per year, “You best give away $800K of that to the poor, buy a small little place, take care of your family, or you’re living a selfish life that will have you attempting to explain yourself in the afterlife? I mean, we want to tax them a LOT more, but… that might be more progressive than Bernie Sanders, and yet that’s what Jesus told people to do.

Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson failed to get her contract renewed after she was permanently suspended from Twitter for repeatedly posting COVID vaccines misinformation.

Most of us are absolutely woke enough to go to society’s outcasts, especially immigrants, the poor, POC, sex-workers, LGBTQ family, and accept and love them. If one converts the biblical outcasts at the time, Jesus spent his time with those people, and they are who he cared about, the outcasts.

Who did Jesus confront? Who did he challenge? Who did he threaten by saying they were wrong? Entrenched legacy wealth and power, which – at least according to the Christian bible, is why he was executed. It is the type of progressive story that an atheist progressive can and should appreciate.

Fired Newsmax White House Reporter Emerald Robinson Hired by Mike Lindell’s Streaming Network

So it’s just so strange to see these “Look at me!” Christians put out tweets that are the exact type of statements that Jesus, the man they actually claim to follow, would rip to shreds. Here is Emerald Robinson choosing to hate her neighbor while loving herself and cheering on legacy money and power.

Well, this isn’t actually a tweet since Robinson was booted from Twitter for her covid lies. This came from GETTR, which is the right-wing social media site founded by the chinless Trump aide Jason Miller.

Oh, Emerald. Come on. You are giving us Christians a really bad name, even those of us Christians that realize that a lot of the faith incorporates Pagan traditions. Emerald, you aren’t going to church on the Sabbath for Easter. You are going on Sunday. Look up why.

The responses on GETTR were exactly what you’d expect:

Apparently I’m a “woke communist.”

Other than that, take everything up with Jesus. We will be too busy trying to love one another and not focusing on wealth and power. Happy Easter to believers, and happy Sunday to the non-believers.


[email protected] and @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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