Politics - News Analysis

Marjorie Taylor Greene Plants Her Flag as Putin’s Strongest Mouthpiece in U.S. Government

The abhorrent John Bolton, former National Security Adviser who might have been able to protect us from some of this damage had he been more forthcoming and walked into the House of Representatives and testified as to what he heard from Trump about wanting Ukraine to do him the “favor” before they got the missiles that Congress already appropriated (Trump had already long-delayed shipment), did manage to get one thing surely right. Bolton said that if Donald Trump got a second term, Trump would’ve pulled the United States out of NATO. It is what Putin wanted. Trump does what Putin wants.

Until Trump, one wouldn’t have been able to find a politician, certainly not one in the Republican party, that believed in pulling out of NATO. It wouldn’t have even been discussed. It was the single most stabilizing foreign policy alliance in our nation’s history and was more important than ever in 2016 after the Russians invaded parts of Ukraine in 2014.

But Trump did Putin’s bidding and Putin hates NATO. The alliance has swallowed up countries that Putin believes to be “his” under the old Iron Curtain in the Soviet days. Poland and the Baltic nations are perfect examples, the addition of the Nordic countries demonstrates the importance of strengthening the alliance right now.

But leave it to Marjorie Taylor-Greene to confirm that MAGA was always Russian-backed and always backs Russia. It doesn’t matter that the Ukrainians are standing up for democracy and enduring a holocaust because of Putin. She wants the U.S. and NATO to get out of Putin’s way, damn it.

And trust us, the Republicans look over at Russia and see a strongman dictator in a one-party system where corruption is just fine and justice non-existent or arbitrary and see something they want. That is why Liz Cheney is fighting as hard as she is. She sees her party turning toward a Russian form of democracy, she prefers American democracy.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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