Politics - News Analysis

Rep. Mo Brooks Has Finally Had It and Tells the Truth About Trump: ‘No Loyalty to Anyone But Himself’

If one needed any more proof – and one doesn’t – that everything in the Republican MAGA world is transactional, take the case of Mo Brooks, the Rep. from northern Alabama, including the Huntsville area, which deserves better. Mo Brooks is the man who, with the yellow coat over body armor (as if one needed more evidence), spoke at the January 6th insurrection speech on the Mall. Brooks said, from Rolling Stone:

Brooks also noted how “our ancestors” sacrificed their “blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortunes, and sometimes their lives” before asking the audience if they were “willing to do the same.”

“Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America!” Brooks yelled before telling rally attendees to “carry the message to Capitol Hill” and that “the fight begins today.”

And because of that speech – undoubtedly, Trump gave Brooks his endorsement in Brook’s plan to run for retiring Alabama Senator Richard Shelby’s seat. Trump said on April 7, 2021 (quite early, wasn’t it?). From CNN:

In his endorsement, the former Republican President said Brooks “will protect our Second Amendment, combat the Biden open borders agenda” and “is fighting for voter integrity (like few others).”

But then over this summer, Brooks wasn’t polling very well, and – much worse, Brooks said it was time to move on from the 2020 election. Trump zapped his endorsement of Brooks, saying Brooks went “woke.” (You are awake if you realize that it’s actually time to move on, Brooks didn’t even say Trump lost). Trump ripped Brooks:

[Brooks] foolishly started listening to the wrong consultants and not to the people, and his 54-point lead evaporated overnight. Likewise, his words caused me to withdraw my Endorsement, and Mo has been wanting it back ever since—but I cannot give it to him!

And four days ago, Trump endorsed Brooks primary opponent, Katie Britt, a dream candidate for the GOP, an attractive, articulate, Gen X woman who could be in the Senate for 30 years and probably should have been Trump’s pick all along, but – loyalty again.

Katie Britt, on the other hand, is a fearless America First Warrior. The opposition says Katie is close to Mitch McConnell, but actually, she is not…

Actually, she IS. She is Sen. Shelby’s former staff member and certainly closer to McConnell than Trump. It is just that Trump cannot endorse someone who said it was time to “move on.”

Now Brooks has had it and is calling out Trump’s lack of loyalty. Frankly, it’s surprising that more people haven’t done this. From Mediaite in an interview with AL.com:

Six years later, he’s learned that lesson the hard way, having carried the former president’s MAGA agenda to the brink of insurrection and being unceremoniously dumped when he wouldn’t or couldn’t take it any further.

“It’s quite clear that Donald Trump has no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself,” Brooks told me this week.

Oh, Mo. Did it take you THIS long to figure that out? You weren’t around when Trump had all those good things to say about McConnell, who is now “Old Crow” Mitch?

These people are sloooooow learners.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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