Politics - News Analysis

Jesse Watters Uses Bizarre Sex Analogy About Nancy Pelosi Leaving Panel Stunned

Jesse Watters is an absolute nut, and one of the best things about mocking him is that his mother is a flaming liberal who calls him after every show to tell him what she thinks of his opinion and whether his hair looked good or the tie-shirt combo worked. It is kinda juicy to imagine those calls when Jessie goes off the deep end as he did today. They probably had QUITE the talk.

Mediaite brings us the setup. Nancy Pelosi evidently gave her troops talking points going into the Sunday shows, and they weren’t supposed to talk about “inflation” because it’s a loaded word. Instead, they were to talk about the cost of living, which encompasses inflation but much more, much of it beyond the government’s control.

Waters jumped in with a typical comment:

“She just sounds like a political hack. You’re asking her what’s the plan on inflation, and the Speaker of the House says, ‘This is not our plan, but this is how we spin it.’”

They have plans. Everyone spins things. Ask the party that talks about “irregularities in the election.

And then things got way too weird way too fast, from Mediaite:

Watters then asked for “permission to make an analogy.” In response, Greg Gutfeld said, “Yes,” which led to conversational chaos and some queries from co-hosts Dana Perino and Jeanine Pirro:

WATTERS: Let’s say you have a horrible sex life and you go to your partner–

GUTFELD: What? Why did I say “yes”?

WATTERS: –and you say, babe, we have a terrible sex life. What are we going to do to make this sex life better? And she tells you, “First of all, all couples have terrible sex lives, number one. And number two, it’s not a horrible sex life. It’s a challenging sex life. Did your sex life improve?


PERINO: Jesse–

WATTERS: It did not.

PERINO: Where did you come up with that?

WATTERS: Nancy is spinning her sex life.\



PIRRO: Why are you talking about Nancy in terms of sex?

WATTERS: It’s not getting better. She’s just spinning it. Perfect analogy.


We were of the impression that people’s sex lives are the single most private details of their lives imaginable. Nancy is spinning her sex life? Again, the Hell? We could make ALL KINDS OF RIDICULOUS comparisons here as applicable to Waters and note why a terrible sex life was the first thing that popped into Water’s mind, but we won’t because, as we said, that is just SOOOOOOO private and – we were of the impression that the entire beauty of the whole sex thing was that it was shared between two people and NO ONE ELSE is let in!

Improvements, perfection, always forming a more perfect union, that is ALL between the couple. It’s entirely private. So, Jesse, we suggest you have a long talk with your mother about what is and what isn’t appropriate to talk about in public. Even if Jesse’s sex life is a solo one, it’s STILL private (couldn’t resist, sorry, but it is STILL private).

My god. Every other host probably wanted to crawl into a hole and definitely put a couple of feet more distance between themselves and Jessie.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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