Politics - News Analysis

Americans THRILLED That SCOTUS Ordered Lindsey Graham Must Testify in Georgia Case

Just four days ago, Lindsey Graham submitted a brief to the SCOTUS requesting that the SCOTUS immediately quash a subpoena demanding that Graham show up and answer questions about Donald Trump’s call to Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State in 2020 (“Guys, I need 11,700 votes, give me a break!”) and Graham will have to answer questions about his questionable phone call asking about using signature matches to dump some votes. Graham asserted that he was covered under the Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution and asserted, “I will not be questioned.” Today, the Supreme Court said, “Yes, you will be, Senator.” Lindsey now has nowhere to hide, save perhaps the Fifth Amendment.

From Politico:

The court, with no noted dissent, agreed that Graham can be required to provide testimony to a grand jury about matters that aren’t related to his official congressional work. Anything on his legislative business would be off limits, the high court’s order said.

Fortunately for Georgia, they don’t want to ask Graham about his vote on Build Back Better:

Prosecutors in Fulton County have emphasized that they don’t plan to question Graham about his legislative work but are probing Graham’s December 2020 phone calls to Georgia state officials amid a recount and legal challenges by Trump.

Graham was not contemplating a law saying that Trump won Georgia. If problems arise over whether parts of Graham’s call drifted into Speech and Debate Clause territory, the SCOTUS said those questions would be answered by the District Court judge.

District Court should handle any disputes that may arise regarding the application of the Speech or Debate Clause immunity to specific questions,” the justices noted in the unsigned order. “Accordingly, a stay or injunction is not necessary to safeguard the Senator’s Speech or Debate Clause immunity.”

The fact that the SCOTUS already said that disputes should be handled by the District Court is code for “Do Not Appeal the District Court’s decisions.” Graham is going to testify sooner rather than later, and he best be careful about running over to the U.S. District Court every time he is troubled by having to answer a question.

The decision has been made. Absent weird questions that get into legislation, Graham will have to raise his hand and swear to answer honestly. Then, he must sit through questions he prefers to not answer.

And Twitter is loving that Graham is finally going to have to answer for what he did:


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