Politics - News Analysis

‘A Slap in the Face!’, Trump Supporters Are Very P*ssed Off About Trump’s Pathetic NFT Cards

When Donald Trump said he planned to make a “major announcement,” a couple of days ago it left many people wondering what he was up to. Was he going to announce his choice for a vice presidential running mate? Was he dropping out of the race? (No, unfortunately). What exactly was this “major announcement?”

The announcement, it turns out, was a series of NFT cards  — a limited set of digital cards valued at $99 each. Trump described them as “very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting,” according to Newsweek.

Well, lots of Trump supporters didn’t think they were “much more exciting.” These folks were disappointed and many felt cheated. Guess they forgot they were dealing with “the Donald.”

“Hard truth time: This is not good. We’re facing a threat to civilization from far-left Marxist extremists,” tweeted Robby Starbuck, a GOP candidate for Tennessee’s 5th district. “Teasing NFT cards as a major announcement is not the kind of fight people want to see now. These are dark times. Love the guy but this turns many off. Agree or disagree?”

I would agree that this turns people off, but the country is in trouble because of “far-left Marxist extremists?” Really? That’s some pretty screwed-up thinking right there. Donald Trump and his right-wing minions have wrought a great deal of harm, and the left wing is fighting against this.

Former congressional aide Daniel Bostic called Trump’s announcement “a slap in the face to Trump’s base” who, he said, were “expecting a run for speaker, a VP announcement, action on the J6 prisoners, lawsuits, ANY real action.”

He followed that tweet up with “Instead he’s peddling NFTs. DeSantis went up 3 points today.”

Several Trump supporters said his announcement pushed him over to the Ron DeSantis side. Even though DeSantis hasn’t officially announced a bid for the GOP nomination as a contender against Trump, he continues to have a strong showing among Republicans.

“So, this seriously was Trump’s big announcement. What a massive let down. I’ve been holding my doubts about Trump for a while, but I think this might be the final nail in the coffin. I’m going team DeSantis now,” @1EaglePatriot wrote.


“It’s time for Trump to get behind DeSantis,” @creditannie wrote. “This confirms it for me — love him, appreciate all that he has done (ugh), but it’s time to step to the side and help us get behind someone that we all can support.”

She appreciates “all that he has done.” Ugh. She wants to replace a would-be racist dictator with a homophobic/transphobic/anti-science Republican who makes Trump seem mild by comparison.

DeSantis released that dumb commercial that compares him to God but apparently, that didn’t put off his supporters.

Can I say it here? I really don’t understand Republican logic.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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