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Elon Musk Faces Severe Backlash After Telling Adam Schiff His ‘Brain is Too Small’ in Now Deleted Tweet

Ugh, I wish we had just one day where Elon Musk wasn’t in the news. The dude is insufferable, and you just KNOW he loves that everyone is writing about him.

But, it seems every day he does something rotten. Now, in a now-deleted tweet, Musk expressed relief that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff will end his chairmanship next month, the latest in their recent heated back-and-forth on the platform.

Schiff has long railed against Musk as contributing to a rise in hate speech and misinformation on Twitter, but on Friday Schiff specifically responded to the social media platform’s suspension of several prominent journalists.

“Elon Musk calls himself a free speech absolutist, to justify turning a blind eye to hatred and bigotry on Twitter. But when journalists report unfavorable news, they are banned without warning. The devotion to free speech is apparently not that absolute. But the hypocrisy is,” Schiff wrote.

“Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon. Your brain is too small,” Musk replied early Sunday morning before later deleting the tweet. Deleting the tweet is such a coward move. A sissy move. If he meant what he said, why delete the tweet Elon?

The tweet came the same day Musk traveled to Doha, Qatar, for the final game of the World Cup, where he was spotted alongside Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of and White House aide to Donald Trump.

Schiff and Musk have critiqued each other for days as the Tesla CEO’s takeover of Twitter draws the ire of many liberals and civil rights groups, who have raised concerns about hate speech on the platform.

Schiff and another House Democrat earlier this month sent a letter to Musk demanding answers about his content moderation strategy, citing data suggesting the number of tweets containing slurs has grown exponentially since Musk’s takeover.

“False, hate speech impressions are actually down by 1/3 for Twitter now vs prior to acquisition,” Musk said in response to a Dec. 8 tweet by Schiff referencing the letter.

With Republicans set to take control of the House, Schiff is poised to relinquish his chairmanship early next month.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who is attempting to secure the Speakership, has vowed to boot Schiff from the House Intelligence Committee entirely, and to ban him from serving on any committees whatsoever.

Twitter had some thoughts:


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