Politics - News Analysis

Mike Pence Eviscerated Online After Making Horrible and Inexcusable Mistake in Hanukkah Message

Look, Mike Pence is a Christian (duh) and may not know everything there is to know about the Jewish holiday Hanukkah. But this is just too much.

Pence received a ton of criticism on Monday after posting a tweet about Hanukkah that showed the wrong number of nights of the Jewish holiday.

“Happy Hanukkah! May the light that shines from every Menorah make the world a brighter and better place. @KarenPence and I wish all who are celebrating the Festival of Lights a wonderful Hanukkah!” Pence wrote in a tweet on Sunday afternoon.

Now, what do you notice there? As you can see, the tweet shows a picture of a menorah that only had seven candles, but the Jewish holiday lasts for eight nights. Like, everyone knows that. Even non-Jewish folks.

Shortly after Pence’s tweet, Laura E. Adkins, an opinion editor at the Forward, explained the difference between a menorah and a hanukkiah.

“Menorah: Typically 7 branches, used in the Temple and in the state emblem of Israel (see below),” Adkins wrote. “Hanukkiah: A 9-branched menorah used during Hanukkah. One central branch to hold the shamash (the candle with which you light the others) and 8 for the 8 days of Hanukkah.”

A number of other Twitter users also responded to Pence’s tweet, many including criticism of the former vice president.

And my personal favorite:


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