Election 2020

Read the Texts Don Jr. Sent Mark Meadows Describing the ‘Very Simple’ Plan to Keep His Dad in Office

When Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020, his eldest son Donald Jr. thought he’d figured out a way to keep his father in office. So he sent a wordy, rambling text to the then-White House Chief of staff Mark Meadows to outline his plan for keeping dear old dad at the helm, Raw Story reports.

Junior’s text message, which was published by Talking Points Memo reveals that the younger Trump detailed a multi-pronged effort to keep his father in office, and he was obviously delusional in his thinking, suggesting efforts that ranged from pushing state legislatures to refuse to certify the election results to having Congress refuse to certify the results on January 6, 2021.

“It’s very simple,” Junior wrote. “If through our lawsuits and recounts the Secretary of States on each state cannot certify that states vote the State Assemblies can step in and vote to put forward the electoral slate Republicans control Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina etc we get Trump electors There is a Safe Harbor on 8 December if for whatever reason you miss that the Electors then cannot meet in the individual state Capitols on 14 December so we either have a vote WE control and WE win OR it gets kicked to Congress 6 January 2021 the House meets to vote- by state party delegation 1 vote per state California 1: Montana 1 Republicans control 28 states Democrats 22 states Once again Trump wins Senate votes for VP Pence wins Summary We have multiple paths We control them all We have operational control Total leverage.”

Apologies. I know that is a real word salad. Apparently, Trump Jr. doesn’t know what periods are for. But that’s not all he had to say. He also said Trump should fire his many enemies within the administration, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, who served as the head of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force.

“POTUS must start 2nd term now Fire Wray; Fire Faucci (sic) Make Grennel interim head of FBI Have Barr select Special Prosecutor on HardDriveFromHell Biden crime family,” he wrote.

I’m sure this caused Meadows some head-scratching, but the fact that Don Jr. thought Congress would go through with this definitely speaks to a level of delusion he stoops to. We already know that Pence was not going to prevent the Electoral College’s certification of the election, how in the heck did he even think this was going to happen?

As for getting individual state legislatures to cooperate well, his own father wasn’t even able to do that. This is just pathetic no matter how you look at it.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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