Politics - News Analysis

Trump’s Christmas Morning Message on Truth Social is as Vile as You’d Expect and Americans are OVER IT

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope all our readers have a wonderful day with their family and friends if they celebrate the holiday. If this day is hard for you, then you are in my thoughts…I get it! And I want to thank everyone for continuing to read Political Flare as we head into our fifth year. We’ve had lots of bumps and bruises along the way but I appreciate each and every one of you more than you know.

That said, I do not wish a Merry Christmas to Donald Trump. He’s just the freaking worst and deserves to be in a 6′ by 8′ prison cell eating mystery loaf and powdered mashed potatoes, not a luxury resort in Palm Beach. The man has so much to be grateful for, but NOPE, he wakes up and goes on a rampage because his life is just SO HARD.

Trump shared a Christmas message on Truth Social to all Americans on Sunday, saying the U.S. is “dying from within” due to the “horror show” at the U.S.- Mexico border. So Christmasy!!!! Just want Jesus would want, criticizing migrants!

The one-term, twice-impeached loser said, “On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration. We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dying from within!!!”

Trump also wished everyone a Merry Christmas Saturday night, by saying that President Joe Biden is mentally disabled. No, I am not kidding:

“Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump, and, of course, The Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special “Prosecutor” who, together with his wife and family, HATES “Trump” more than any other person on earth. LOVE TO ALL!”

Then Trump continued his Christmas rantings by saying, “Just two years ago we were Energy Independent, had almost Zero Inflation, there was no war with Russia and Ukraine (would NEVER have happened!), ISIS was defeated, our Military was rebuilt and respected (before the disaster of Afghanistan), our Border was Strong, the Economy was GREAT, the China Virus was in retreat (Operation Warp Speed was considered a modern day “miracle”), and we weren’t the laughing stock of the World. TODAY, LIKE NEVER BEFORE, WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION!”

Then Trump finished up, for now, by saying, “Our Country is under attack by the Radical Left Democrats. They are truly seeking to DESTROY AMERICA!!!”

These messages don’t even mean anything anymore, they are all the same. The same complaints, the same grievances, it’s just getting old. And people on Twitter agreed:

meet the author

Nicole Hickman James is a lifelong Democrat and political activist who first cut her teeth as a teenager volunteering for Mike Dukakis’ presidential campaign. She has worked and volunteered for John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, HFA (Hillary For America), and Organizing For Action. She’s passionate about liberal and progressive causes and considers President Obama her favorite president ever. She holds her Bachelor’s from Boston College in Economics and her Master's from Columbia, also in Economics. When not working as a writer, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her three college-aged children.


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