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George Conway Absolutely DESTROYS Jim Jordan for Exonerating Trump’s Crimes and it’s AMAZING

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) offered a ridiculous defense of former president Donald Trump and conservative lawyer George Conway (who’s definitely no Trump fan) isn’t having it, The Independent [1] reports.

“Hillary Clinton mishandled classified documents. Joe Biden mishandled classified documents. But the only one who gets his home raided is President Trump — and he didn’t even do anything wrong!” Jordan complained Friday on Twitter.

But Conway dropped a truth bomb on Jordan, responding:

“You wanted to lock Hillary up. You want to impeach Biden. But the only one who you say didn’t do anything wrong is Donald Trump, who not only mishandled documents but also spent over a year refusing to give them back when asked.”

Conway reminded Jordan that Trump “then gave some of them back, lied about giving them all back, after failing to comply with a lawful subpoena.”

Oh and, Trump was “impeached for inciting a violent insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the Constitution, Conway responded, noting he submitted “fraudulent electoral certificates to defraud the United States and obstruct a congressional proceeding.” Of course, as Conway also notes, the ex-president was also “impeached for unlawfully withholding aid to an allied nation in order to extort its government.”

Conway also cited a laundry list of Trump’s other transgressions, putting him on blast for “obstructing an important federal criminal and counterintelligence investigation, running a private company that has since been convicted of tax fraud, paying suspiciously low amounts of federal income tax and refusing to disclose his returns by lying about being audited, sexually abusing literally dozens of women, one of whom he raped, and paying $130,000 in hush money to a porn star, among many, many, many other things.”

Of course, Trump is also in complain mode and took to Truth Social to defend himself regarding the investigation of the documents and once again lobbed another salvo at the special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate President Joe Biden’s handling of documents. This is in response to the discovery of files from his days as vice president that were found at his home and at a previous office inside a think tank where Biden previously worked.

“What Biden did was wrong, but he was given a reasonable and stable Special Counsel who is sane, inclined not to make waves, friendly with RINOS, and is not known as a flame-throwing lunatic or a Biden hater,” Trump complained, referring to Special Counsel Robert Hur.

“What I did was RIGHT, Secured documents in a secured place, lock on the doors, guards and Secret Service all around, security cameras working. Mar-a-Lago is essentially an armed fort, and was built that way in the 1920s, with High Walls & structure to serve as Southern [White House],” Trump said, referring to the classified that were discovered at his residence by the FBI during a raid last August.

But regardless of whatever Jordan and Trump like to think, Biden has been transparent about the documents that were discovered. His lawyers purportedly reported [9] the documents to the National Archives and Hillary Clinton endured a relentless [10] 11-hour marathon of questions from a Congressional committee in 2015 over the deadly attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. I don’t know how much she knew or didn’t know about this, but she patiently answered the questions the committee answered.

Trump has yet to answer any questions. But if there’s more to be revealed by the recently discovered documents relating to Biden or anything more to find out from Clinton, then by all means, let’s do it. However, Trump has mountains and mountains of things to answer for, even if he is continually trying to sweep everything under the rug.